
"Thank you, that's sweet, but I can't. I'll be fine on the bus."

"Don't be ridiculous, Raya," Kade interjects. "I'll drive you. I don't have anything going on next weekend."

My heart flutters and crashes at once. I can't let the Colton Prince walk out of here and see my sad trailer. I'd be mortified.

"Kade, I'm fine going on the bus. Shift the subject, please."

Everyone chuckles lightly at my obvious discomfort, but they start talking about plans for Aspen. Kade seems intently focused on me, which is making me uncomfortable.

"I've got somewhere to be," Tag says as he stands up. He glances over to Billy, who is still furiously pounding on his phone. "Forget it, Bity. Rene isn't going to Aspen with you."

He chuckles as he walks to the doorway, and Billy glares at his back.

"Bity?" I ask without meaning to. That's not a very cool nickname.

"Don't get him started," Wren says while standing up and stretching, making Billy's glower to shift to him. "I need to get back to Erica. See you guys later."

Wren and Tag walk out together, and Billy stands. "For the record, I was texting my friend, Ash. Not Rene. Some guy is giving her problems," Billy says to Kade, prompting a small snicker.

"Sure you were," Kade jokes.

Billy rolls his eyes as he storms out, seeming a little dramatic if you ask me.

"You guys always so nice to him?"

"Long story." Kade seems a little off now, but he motions for me to stand with him. "We've been drinking for most of the night, so I can get us a driver or we can crash here."


"Stay, stay," Margaret says, starting to sound a little drunk as she sets down her third glass since she's been in here.

Wow. Miss Prim and Proper is getting drunk.

Paul nuzzles her neck before kissing it, and I turn away, blushing.

"Gross," Kade groans, pulling me out of the room while his parents get overly touchy.

"I think it's sweet," I giggle out, but he doesn't laugh or even acknowledge what I've said.

"Why do you insist on taking a bus all the way to Utah? If it's because you don't want me to go, that's cool. I was just going to keep you from making that trip alone. But you can drive one of my cars. Don't take the bus."

A harsh breath escapes my lips as I decide to come clean.

"Kade, it doesn't have anything to do with that. My house..." My voice trails off as I look around the glorious foyer we're standing in once again. "It's not like this. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that den was bigger than my mother's trailer. Right. Trailer. It's... It's not something I want to drag you out to see."

His eyes soften and for a fleeting second, there's a glimpse of something so indescribably raw there.

"Raya, I don't care if you lived under the bridge. Friends don't judge friends based on where they come from. I'd like to go. I've gotten used to having you around. Plus, you've heard a thousand embarrassing stories about me tonight. It's only fair we level the playing field."

His last little bit makes laughter squeak free from me, and his smile comes out as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Come on. I'll show you a good room."

Chapter 8

A Prince in a Trailer Park

My fingernails are almost gone. I've worked them down to nearly nothing during this thirteen hour drive. We've been good to alternate who drives every three hours, giving the other a chance to nap. This is the first time Kade has been awake at the same time I am for longer than ten or twenty minutes.