"Ms. Capperton? How do you feel about this?" the judge asks through gritted teeth.

Apparently Kade's father holds more power here than he does. Hell, he even called him Roy instead of Your Honor.

"I don't want to live with Kade Colton," I say quickly, bitterly, turning my nose up in disgust.

Mr. Colton smirks, and Kade relaxes.

"Ms. Capperton, do you have a home or money to rent anywhere? I've looked over your financials. It wouldn't have been long until you were being kicked out. I'm sure you could sue for the damages done, but that takes time and money as well. Do you have time and money?" Kade's father asks, sounding so fucking pompous.

"No," I almost whisper.

"Didn't think so. You'd have a home - a nice home - and at the end of the school year, I'll buy you a new house you won't have to stress over. You have to live with Kade first, though. And if he gives you any trouble at all, you call me right away."

This is one twisted man. Has he no clue how much I hate his son? Why punish me by making me live with him? I don't really have a choice though. If I was a guy, he'd have me by the balls.

"Ms. Capperton?" the judge says, prompting me to make a decision.

Do I live through hell for the rest of the year and then have three years of paid housing? Or do I let the devil off the hook without any punishment while I go homeless and possibly get kicked out of school. Shit.


Mr. Colton's deep, satisfied smile spreads like the Cheshire cat's grin. "Fine? What does fine mean, Ms. Capperton?" the judge asks.

I roll my eyes, and Kade cuts his eyes toward me, willing me dead with his icy glare.

"It means yes. I'll do it."

Mr. Colton turns to his son, seeming to enjoy this immensely, as he says, "Son, meet your new leash."

I don't know what I was expecting to find inside Kade Colton's home. I suppose I expected the chandelier to be decorated by beer bottles and lacy underwear. I wasn't expecting to feel like I'm in a house meant for royalty.

It's grand on the outside, all three stories, but inside... wow. Marble floors, tall ceilings, immaculate furniture, and all the newest appliances and gadgets one can fathom. Spoiled brat.

"I think you'll find everything you need here, Ms. Capperton. This room is almost just as big as the master. Are you sure you don't want the master? I'll gladly make my son switch with you," Mr. Colton says as he types away on his phone, putting it down when he finishes.

I scratch my side, trying to relieve the agony I'm in. Damn it hurts and itches.

"This will be fine," I murmur. I sure as hell don't want to touch Kade's icky room. I've seen the girls that come and go during the parties. "And please, just call me Raya."

"Very well," he says, smiling. "Raya, are you okay?" he asks, pointing to my constant scratching.

"Yeah," I mumble, growling almost. "My clothes were in the midst of the destruction path. The ones that weren't ruined were covered in insulation. I've washed them over and over, but they still... it just itches."

He frowns just as Kade fills the doorway. He hasn't stopped scowling or tossing me death-glares since I agreed to this. He's tall, at least six-foot-three. I've never before noticed how tall he is.

His dark hair is always bedroom sexy, and his eyes are pools of perfect blue. His body is enough to make immortals envious - toned and cut in all the right places.

He'd be the sexiest thing I'd ever seen if I didn't hate him so damn much.

"You rang," Kade snarks, turning his burning hatred toward his father.

"Yes, I was texting to tell you to make sure you get this mattress replaced today. There's no telling what your friends have done on it, and I want Raya to have fresh sheets as well."

Ew. Gross. I hadn't thought of that. Sick.

I casually pull my bag back off the bed and drop it to the floor, earning a small grin from Mr. Colton.

"Already called the furniture shop. They'll be bringing it by tomorrow." Kade seems bored now, though still irritated.