I nod, forcing a tight smile. I'd fallen asleep while we were watching the movie, and Kade must have carried me back to my room last night.

He'd caught me off guard with the sincerity in his eyes when I asked him about why he was suddenly being nice to me. The look he gave me... He's different than what I once thought, and now it's even more confusing. He didn't say anything much after that.

We sat in a comfortable silence, kept our distance, and watched a terrible movie like it was riveting. I shouldn't have asked that question. I wish I hadn't. Today we've barely spoken at all, since he was busy preparing for the party. I've stayed in my room most of the day.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Her wide eyes only cement my reservations. She sees the trashy girl playing dress-up, too.

"It looks terrible, doesn't it?" I groan, glancing down at the tight white, strapless dress that was meant for someone far more impressive than I.

"Hell no," she gushes. "It's fucking awesome. That's... I'm so jealous."

I almost bite back a grin. I'm jealous of her thrift store dress, and she's jealous of the dress I can't actually pull off. "Maybe we should trade."

She laughs and shakes her head. "Not happening. I'd never look that good in white. There's only one problem... You can't wear that underwear. It's leaving lines."

I try to glance back at my rear, but I can't twist that way in this tight dress. I finally give up and look over at her rummaging through my drawers until she finds where I store my panties and bras. Another boundary. I need to make a mental note to google what the boundaries are around here. I was apparently raised very differently.

"Here," she says, handing me a pair of white thongs.

I don't even know how those managed to make it to the counter. I can only assume Kade tossed them and several other pairs of underwear on the counter that day. It's not something I need to think about right now.

I slip out of the more comfortable underwear and make the trade for the small stringed thing meant for a goddess. This should be interesting. Ember goes to be in front of the mirror as she checks her hair.

"It's crazy down there," she giggles, bubbling over with excitement .


I'd heard the music, but I thought Kade was just setting the mood right for all the partiers on their way. I guess I've been in here longer than I thought, battling my indecisiveness.

"You seriously look like sex in heels. I really wish Kade had bulldozed my house."

I let a laugh out, which is something I really needed. Considering how nervous I am, I'm surprised I'm able to laugh at all.

"Kade didn't bulldoze my house; some frat boys from his party did."

"But he's the one you're living with?"

I shrug and open the door. "I had to live somewhere, and Mr. Colton volunteered his son's house."

"And Kade is cool with all this?" she asks.

"I... I think he is now," I stammer unsurely.

She gives a goofy grin when she sees the lights flickering below. It looks almost like a club.

"This is going to be so awesome," she gushes, and then she loops her arm through mine.

These heels make the stairs a little precarious, but I cautiously make my way down. My long hair isn't balled up on my head or swept back in a ponytail. Tonight I'm letting it hang free with some loose curls. Maybe no one will even recognize me.

Ember giggles more once we rich the thick of the party. It's not too crowded, surprisingly enough. I don't have to press against sweaty bodies to make my way over to the keg


My breath almost leaves me when Kade steps in from the dining room. No. No. No. He's not supposed to make it hard to breathe, damn it. I have to live with him.

"Hey," he says, grinning when he sees me. His eyes scale up and down my dress, making me flood with a tingle of excitement. "Need one?" he asks, holding up his cup.

"I need two."