"I wasn't going to say anything. Believe me, I know what it's like to be the brunt of a joke."

That stops me. I give her my full attention, while trying to keep from dropping my gaping backpack.

"Then what do you want?" I ask, unable to keep the disbelieving suspicion out of my tone.

She fidgets awkwardly and twirls one of her pigtails for a second.

"I was going to see if I could maybe come to the party tomorrow? I don't usually get invited, and I know you don't have a lot of friends, so... I don't know. I thought we could possibly help each other out."

I study her, waiting for this pretty girl with perfect hair and crisp blue eyes to lead me into a trap.

"Why don't you usually get invited?"

"Because I'm not a rich brat with big connections. That's all Kade invites."

Of course he does. He's a snob.

"It's not my party. I don't exactly have the right to invite anyone."

I turn to walk away, but she jogs up beside me again. "No, but since you're dating Kade now, I thought-"

"Whoa. Wait. What?" I interrupt, feeling my shock fall out with the words.

She tilts her head, suddenly seeming uncertain about whether or not she should continue.

"You're dating Kade, right? Not his father? It's all over campus. The rumor is that you and Kade got together before the bulldozer incident and that's why his father moved you in with Kade. Then Kade bought you a bunch of clothes because all of yours were ruined in the wreckage and he felt responsible. You didn't want to accept them, but he forced you to. I thought... You're not dating?"

A harsh breath falls out in the form of laughter. I don't know why I'm laughing. I suppose it's because it's so ridiculous.

"Kade Colton? You seriously think I'm dating Kade? He hates me most of the time, and he barely speaks to me the rest. Why on earth would you think I'm dating him?"

She looks over her shoulder before tugging me at my elbow and leading me away from any prying ears.

"You need to let people believe it. It's the only reason they've backed off. If you go around proclaiming the truth, then they'll start back up. It's not as scandalous for a rich guy to be taking care of his girlfriend after a bunch of jerks wrecked her house. It is scandalous to be the mistress of his father. And you're nothing more than a punch-line if they think Kade and his father simply feel sorry for the poor girl without another option."

I swallow hard. Shit. That's why today has been less brutal. For some reason, these idiots think I'm dating Kade.

"I'm not a damn mistress," I hiss.

I don't bother denying the charity case accusation, because in all actuality, that's basically what I am. My pride can't compete with reality. I'd have to leave school and return to Utah if I moved out.

"Well, I'm sure Kade will quickly refute that rumor soon enough. As in the second he hears it," I add, groaning inwardly.

I grip my head. My day was nice, and now I learn it was a mere misunderstanding. Damn it!

"Surely he's already heard it by now," she says in a low whisper.

I start to walk off, but I stop myself. This party tomorrow will surely tip everyone off to the truth when they see how very much we're not in a relationship. It might not be a bad idea to have at least one ally.

"Come tomorrow night," I say to the only person who's been nice to me since I've been here.

She squeals in delight before grabbing my phone from my back pocket. I jerk a little from the unexpected touch as she starts pounding away on my keys. One thing I've learned... my small town respected personal space, but this place has no boundaries.

I've had my ass grabbed, groped, and mauled numerous times by men and women. Most of it has been innocent, but for Christ's sake, couldn't someone simply warn me before they touch me?

"My name is Ember, and now you have my number," she says while handing me back my phone. My hands are full, so she simply slides it back into my back pocket. At least I had warning this time.

She runs off before asking my name. Who am I kidding? Everyone here apparently knows my name.