You can't be betrayed by anyone but the ones you trust.

"Tallis, stop!" I yelled, grabbing at his arm only to have him shake me off.

"No, Aria! You should have told me. I'm going to rip his throat out," he growled.

Desmond came to help me pull Tallis back, aiding me in keeping him from charging out.

"You promised me," I begged, watching his jaw tick as he warred with himself.

"You should have told me," he said again, anger clearly lacing each word.

"I couldn't. I was afraid you'd be stupid and go after him. They'll be waiting for that. And I'm sure as hell not ready to lose you."

Some of the fury slipped from his face as his eyes softened on mine. He tilted my head back, and lightly brushed his lips against mine.

"I won't go right now, but I will kill him eventually for this."

It wasn't very comforting, but it was something at least.

Iris sniffled, drawing our attention as Mom comforted her.

"His poor parents must be devastated. Champ and Melinda have always been so devoted to the light. I couldn't imagine having two children turn to the dark after so many years of service."

Others went to console the respected matriarch as she mourned the truth. I knew this next part was going to be even harder now.

"It wasn't just McKee," I said with a

shameful whisper as I averted my eyes.

I could feel everyone staring, waiting for me to elaborate.

"McKee's power was the only one I sensed," Henry said, as if to himself.

I was right to think he had already figured it out. But he was just as reluctant to tell as I was.

With a burdened sigh, I told them about McKee's parents, and the look of shock and hurt that crossed Iris's face made me hate myself in that moment. She loved them—all of them.

Everyone began talking amongst themselves again. Iris looked at me and shook her head. Her sobs let me know that her heart was breaking even more.

One of the members challenged my revelation, denial clearly clogging their frame of mind.

"If they have been traitors amongst us for so long, why didn't Graven already attack us? They could've just let him in."

Allaysia answered the question that I was unable to. "There are many reasons he hasn't attacked yet. My brother is smarter than my father ever was. That makes him even more dangerous. He learned from the mistakes that Dramus made. His mind is as brilliant as his heart is dark.

"Dramus stumbled upon the dark by accident. My brother chose it, and he has no mercy. He is too smart to attack without knowing everything. He most likely had McKee and his family watching for all the secrets the coven has. By now he knows every weakness of every individual in various different covens.

"This coven is one of the strongest ever known in the magical society, and by far the most connected. He knows every soul mate for every witch. He knows every inch of this house. Any and every secret shared with the traitors is now his information. He keeps learning new things, and testing everyone to learn more.

"Things such as the pool that saved Aria and Amelia the night Taryn attacked keeps him learning. When he feels he knows it all, he'll strike. Amelia's existence was a surprise, reminding him to take his time—take no chances.

"He is sending small attacks to learn more. Not to mention all of the mortal witches he has found through his spies. He's greedy, and he wants the most powerful essences. That's what they were giving him.

"Whatever he is searching for now will make him far more powerful than he is already. He won't take the chance of losing. He won't even take a chance of being weakened. If he's weakened, one of his followers may take advantage and knock him off his throne. Whatever he is looking for will make him invincible. If he finds it, we're all doomed."

Iris composed herself as she dried her tears. Still in disbelief, she spoke in a shaky tone. "This whole time I thought they left because they were so ashamed of their daughter's treason."

Henry draped a protective arm lovingly around Amelia as he said, "They left so that Amelia didn't have the chance to see through them. Once they learned of her existence, they used Taryn as an excuse to stay away."