Throw a bolt at me? Were they crazy?

"Tallis, son, she'll be fine. Trust me. I wouldn't put Aria in harm's way without a good reason," Allaysia said softly, but Tallis didn't back down.

Allaysia pursed her lips for a moment before she nodded toward Jay. "Throw one at the both of them. Low voltage, though."

Jay looked at her unsurely. He glanced at Iris, and she nodded in approval. Really?

Jay tilted his head uncertainly as he groaned. "Okay. I hope you know what you're doing."

I started to tell him this was crazy, and that he'd better not do it, but before I could, the traitor I thought was my favorite brother launched a bolt toward us. Tallis turned to block it from hitting me, using his body to shield me.

Once again, instinct took over, guiding my hand up as something coursed through me, buzzing in delight as it crashed around. The bolt stopped midair, staying suspended and earning a few gasps. But then I accidentally tossed it back at Jay, who had not been prepared for that, and it struck him hard in the chest.

It threw him into the gaping hole, and several crashes clattered inside.

I cringed as I croaked, "Jay?"

I was answered by a series of swears and grumbles, but after a beat, Jay walked back through the could of dust he had made. He dusted himself, scowling at me before turning his glower on the others.

"So she's an elemental, a blazer, a blowing up whatever, and now an electric, too? I'm sure glad that was low voltage. Otherwise, I'd be a cooked turkey right now. Someone could have warned me about what was going on."

Then he paused and looked around at all the faces that were staring me in awe, admittedly creeping me out with their lingering gazes.

"What exactly is going on?" Jay asked, seeming just as confused as I was.

Allaysia, Iris, Jaslene, Alvin, George, Edmond, and some of the older ones all stared at each other, smiling as though they were in on a secret none o

f us were allowed to know just yet. Then they looked at me with such intrigue and fascination.

Iris and Allaysia spoke in unison. "It's her."

Her who?

Iris walked toward me with her hands on her mouth, tears filling up in her eyes. Her voice was laced with excitement pure delight when she said in a near whisper, "It really is you. It's finally happened."

I looked around, confused. "What's me? What's finally happened? Would somebody please tell me what's going on?"

Tallis cocked his head to the side, his expression now changing to one of awe as well. I'd never felt so uncomfortable in all my life when all eyes widened and their gazes changed to one of adoration.

I was about to ask Tallis what the hell was going on, but a painfully vivid image suddenly cloaked my eyes, taking me to a new place and time, and forcing me to leave behind the present.

I was seeing something. It wasn't happening at the house, though. It was as if I had gone somewhere else. I could see Graven—the man I'd only seen in paintings—hunting for something. He was chasing it, walking quickly through the woods, while his men ran ahead of him.

I couldn't see what it was, and the vision left me as suddenly as it had come. I coughed and strangled for air as I fell to the ground.

Tallis had his arms around me before I made hit the stone of the patio. He slowly lifted me back up and kept his arms around me for support.

Jaslene looked at me expectantly, excitement etched in her eyes. "What did you see?" She knew the look I had meant that I had just experienced a vision. I was a seer, too, apparently.

I felt like a freak even though they were staring at me like I was a prize. Really wish they'd at least try not to be so obvious.

"I saw Graven. He's hunting for something—just like Lokan said."

Jaslene stepped back, frowning. "That's impossible. No one has ever even been able to get a glimpse of Graven. We didn't even know he existed until the Verdans informed us. We'd been trying to see who was running the Dramus circle for centuries. Are you sure that's what you saw?"

I removed myself from the supportive embrace of Tallis as my strength returned just enough. "There was a large painting of him in the room where Yastine had me."

"Maybe it's a new power," Tallis said, thinking aloud.