"Amelia told Aria to take her shorts off so that she could try to find the crest that seems to be absent."

Tallis continued laughing even harder now, grabbing his stomach as he did so. Desmond and Ash started laughing, too. Desmond said, "So let's find it."

I scowled at him. "I'm not dropping my shorts in front of everyone." Ash matched Tallis's laughter now.

Ash finally spoke through her fits of hysteria. "Go to the bathroom and look. Come back out and tell us." I finally conceded and walked through the giant hole in the wall. I went into the downstairs bathroom and Ash followed me in with Amelia.

I gave them what had to be an incredulous look.

"Really? You're both going to watch me examine myself." They just laughed and nodded. I rolled my eyes and pulled my shorts down. Nothing was there, though. Then I removed my shirt, but nothing was there either. I shrugged. "I guess I don't have one for some reason."

They both frowned, slightly disappointed. Ash opened the door and we walked back out to the boys. I pulled my hands up while speaking. "I don't have one."

Desmond was grinning. "That was hot. All three of you checking out Aria's body." Ash laughed while slapping Desmond. Then she moved to his lap and kissed him. She really shouldn't be rewarding bad behavior.

Tallis looked at me peculiarly, and kissed my shoulder when I resumed my place on his lap. I could feel such fire igniting with absolute ferocity. Then he pulled my hair up, exposing the back of my neck. "Found it," he said softly, a smile in his voice.

Everyone flashed over to examine it, invading my personal space. "I've never seen one on the back of a neck before," Tallis said thoughtfully.

I shrugged. "What does it matter where it is?"

Tallis kissed my shoulder again. "It doesn't. It's just another thing that makes you special."

I turned to meet his eyes, and my hair dropped back down. I ignored the bubbling feelings deep within that fluttered every time he gave me that look.

Ash smiled. "It's good to see both of you so happy. I really am glad that you two were meant to be together."

Desmond nodded. "Amen to that. I don't know what I would've done if they hadn't been." Then he cut his eyes toward Tallis. "So will you rebuild my shed now?"

Tallis started laughing, and so did I. "Yes, Des. I will."

Desmond smiled. "Well, alright then."

Jay sat down across from us. "So, Aria, how many times have you said I told you so?"

I pretended to count on my fingers for a moment until I finally murmured, "Not enough."

Tallis smiled as he kissed me. "I agree." Then he pulled me closer. Everything was so amazingly effortless now. There was no more push and pull. There was nothing holding us back, and I loved it.

Jay smiled. "Well, as gross as it is to see you two all over each other, I'm glad that you were right. I'm sorry I doubted you."

Tallis pulled me tighter. Then he spoke with a sad sort of tone. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you, too."

I smiled at him and rested my forehead on his. "I can forgive you, I suppose." He smiled and kissed me again.

Then Jay frowned. "I hate that you changed so young, though. You had to miss out on a lot of things that you can't do when you are immortal."

I raised one eyebrow at him skeptically. "Such as?"

"Well for one, you can never experience being drunk now."

Tallis and Henry exchanged a glance and started snickering. Then Everett joined us and questioned the laughter. "What's funny?"

Jay shrugged. Then Henry spoke teasingly. "Jay was upset by the fact that Aria would never get to experience being drunk."

Everett's eyes grew wide and he started smiling while shaking his head. "Oh Lord."

Tallis and Henry started laughing harder. Amelia joined in now that she felt my emotions. I felt my face glowing with embarrassment. Jay scowled.