Desmond was with him. Tallis didn't look like he had been hunting at all. His dark jeans were hugging him with perfection. His long sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he was breathtakingly captivating as he approached. I was finally able to catch a breath well enough to speak as he made it to me.

"I didn't think you were coming." Crap. I sounded breathy and awed.

He looked around, a wary expression marring his beauty. "We were hunting and ran across about fifteen young electrics training. We came to make sure there wasn't any trouble." He saw concern spread across my face, and added, "They were pure lights."

And? "So what's the problem?"

"They were unaware of the festival, and they were only about five miles away. This place usually stays empty. They wouldn't have been training so close if they had known."

That certainly didn't clear anything up. "I still don't understand what the problem is."

His smile caught me off guard as his eyes finally met mine. I'd forgotten how much I loved that smile.

"You know how bulbs blow so often in your house?"

I rolled my eyes, not revealing the fluttering in my stomach that glorious smile provoked. "Oh yes. I'm sick of it."

"You know how violently they can burst. They're harmless in small spurts, but with several going all at once, it can be dangerous. The energy doesn't stop surging once the bulb has blown, either. It tapers down in your home because of the magical proofing done to it. Imagine Jay multiplied by fifteen in a place that's not proofed at all. It could be catastrophic."

I tried understanding, but bursting bulbs didn't seem as dangerous to me as they apparently did to him. "Well, I guess everything is fine. I'm sure they've stopped by now, and nothing seems to be cracking or popping."

Desmond laughed a little as he responded, "It's not that simple. Sometimes the mortal world has to catch up with immortal magic. We might not see signs for a little while. We're just going to hang out and make sure there isn't any trouble."

Ah hell.

"Okay. Well—" Before I could finish, Trey returned with my candied apple.

Oh no. Why didn't I just send him away? I wanted him far, far away right that moment.

"Here's your apple, Aria," he said, intentionally acting as though he was my date. He handed me my apple and turned to face Tallis and Desmond. "What're you guys up to?"

Tallis smirked slightly and then looked at me somewhat teasingly before returning his eyes to Trey. What was that look about? Why wasn't he jealous? I'd be livid if some girl was handing him a candied apple.

"We came to check in on the festival. We were curious as to what all they had added," Tallis lied.

Trey took another step closer to me, annoying me. "Well, not too much, actually. It's been kind of dull most of the night." Then he motioned toward me. "Hey, this is Aria. She goes to our school."

Apparently Trey wasn't aware of the very public relationship that Tallis and I had shared—according to the exaggerated school rumors. Our relationship had never reached the intimate levels that the gossip mill had said. This poor boy was completely oblivious to all of that.

Tallis smirked as he responded, "Yeah, we've met." Then he tried to hold back a laugh as he continued, "So, are you two here together?"

Desmond turned around to snicker quietly. Both of them were pissing me off. What was so funny?

I scowled at Desmond and quickly responded with my ever growing red face. "No."

Then Trey interjected, "We didn't come together, but I was going to see if Aria would let me take her home. I tried to get her something to eat, but she said she wasn't hungry. I think we're going to walk around for a bit. Are you guys sticking around for a while?"

Tallis was smiling bigger now—no trace of jealousy. "Yeah, we'll be here for a while."

Then Desmond teased, "See you later, Aria. Behave."

I shot him a nasty look as Trey pulled me away from them. Tallis and Desmond were both laughing now.

Trey's touch did nothing for me as he held my hand. I didn't give him permission to touch me, did I?

"So, do you want a ride home?" he asked, making me frown.

"No. I rode here with my brother and his girlfriend. I should probably ride with them."