She was so bubbly, like a little kid. "Your grandma told me. I tried to talk to you last night, but you were so swarmed with people that I never got a chance."

Just as I was about to reply to her, another person jumped in the backseat. It was a guy - an incredibly jaw-dropping cute guy.

"Sweet ride, Arisianna," he said, sounding too charming for such a mundane greeting.

He had blondish brown hair in a shaggy cut that swept across his brow. He had brown eyes, and a tattoo was on his forearm of a star wrapped in barbwire. His biceps were bulging with definition. His shirt clung tightly to his sculpted abdomen. He smiled with teeth so white it was nearly blinding. Confidence exuded from him as he casually made himself comfortable in my backseat.

I was completely dumbfounded by these two. They acted like it was perfectly normal to just jump in my car and start talking to me like they knew me. I had no idea who they were though.

"Yeah… Thanks?" I was incredibly confused. "I prefer Aria, actually."

He had to have heard the bewilderment in my voice, but he chose to ignore it, despite my attempts to make it obvious.

He grabbed my iPod and changed the song as he read through some more. "Sweet tunes, too." He acted as if he had known me my whole life.

"Who are-" Before I finish my question, he answered it. He was drumming on his knees with his hands to the beat of the song he had changed it to.

"McKee. We would have met last night, but all the adults hogged you. Your grandma said we should show you the ropes, since you're new in town and don't know anyone in school. It's cool though. Most everyone is familiar with the Weislen/ Nelson/ Bradbury family."

Bradbury was my grandma's maiden name. She still introduced herself with it. Iris Bradbury Nelson. She claimed that it was a special name and deserved to be heard.

"Mmm... okay. So, I guess we should get in there," I said, wondering if they were planning on hanging out in my car all day.

"Sure. We can walk you to your first class," Taryn chimed in with her bubbly little voice.

"Yeah, what's your schedule look like?" McKee asked, still sounding casually charming.

I found myself wondering if he and Taryn were a couple.

"I have Calculus first, Spanish second, Economics third, and physical education last." I thought it was funny they gave me Spanish as a foreign language class, considering I was fluent.

"Yeah, no sweat. I got Calculus first, too, and my sister has Spanish second, so that's covered. Third, I have English, which is right beside the Economics class, and last I have phys. ed. as well, so it looks like we should be good." His tone was chipper as he grabbed my bag to carry it for me.

We all headed toward the school. I was trying not to fall face-first on my first day, but Taryn had the perfect sexy-swing walk down to an art. McKee had a confident and suave strut. Nice to know Taryn was his sister.

He was very... um... too cute, and different from the guys I was used to back home. He still wasn't anywhere nearly as hypnotically beautiful as the guy I made myself look like a fool in front of.

Taryn waved as she walked in the opposite direction from us. As we walked down the hallway, I saw girls glaring at me with envious, cruel stares. I guessed McKee was a coveted guy around there.

A tall guy walked right up to us as we stopped at my locker, which I never would have found by myself. The school was frigging huge.

The unknown guy was equally as sculpted as McKee, just not as handsome in the face. He was still somewhat attractive.

His voice was evenly toned and stern as he spoke very seriously. "Is this the Weislen girl?" he asked, sounding haughty and imperious.

He wasn't even speaking to me or looking at me. It was incredibly rude and obnoxious.

McKee smiled and responded in his still upbeat voice. "Yep. She's cute, huh?"

Holy crap.

I blushed fiercely. The guy seemed unimpressed by McKee's comment about my appearance... and me. "Just remember what Iris said." Then he stormed off.

"Who was that?" I could hear t

he frustration in my voice. I didn't appreciate the rudeness first thing in the morning.

"Oh, that's Everett. He's cool, just a little intense. But you definitely want him on your side when you're in a bind." Then he raised his eyebrows up and down as he spoke. "So, you ready to start your first day, Aria?" The more confidence he leaked, the more girly I found myself acting.