Jared's Irish accent was a little richer than it had been the day before, making him a bit too swoon-worthy. I guessed he normally dialed it down.

I turned to face him, feeling a little exposed. It was embarrassing for people to know I was a big pathetic target for the Twisted Barbie Club.

"You don't have to do that. I'm sure a high school party isn't exactly what you'd planned on doing while you're here."

He leaned up against the wall and smiled at me, warming me with his charming grin. "I think I can handle a high school party just fine. Besides, I'm getting bored. I've always been a sucker for a damsel in distress."

Just what I needed. Someone else's pity.

Gear grumbled a little. "You know the rules, Jared."

Jared just laughed. "You have got to lighten up. I know the rules. I'm just helping the girl out. She really shouldn't have to go alone. Mortals girls are vicious, you know."

Gear smiled at him and let out a bit of a laugh. "Fine."

Then Jared winked at me. "I'll pick you up around seven?"

I laughed slightly at his obvious joke, considering he was staying on the floor just below me. "Sounds good."

Chapter 15

Mean girls

Whoever said 'these are the best years of your life' must have been popular. It's not that way for everyone.

I walked down the stairs in a tight pair of jeans that tucked into my boots which came up to my knees. I had on a white shirt that fell off one shoulder just slightly.

I put my coat on and started looking around for Jared. But I heard him before I saw him.

"High school dress code is a lot different than what it was when I was in high school." His eyes caught mine while he rapidly descended the staircase. Then he continued. "I might've shown up to class a bit more if all the girls had looked like that."

He winked at me before giving me his best that's-right-I'm-cute-and-you-know-it grin.

I tried hide my blushing cheeks by turning away before speaking. "Thanks for going with me. I apologize in advance for anything that might be said. Some of these people are jerks."

Jared's hand moved to the small of my back as he held the door open for me. "Why don't you just tell your mom what's going on? I'm sure she'd let you skip these sorts of events if you did."

I shook my head. "You don't know my mom very well. I can hear her now. 'Making friends is never easy. Arisianna, dear, you have to kill them with kindness. Things are never easy in life, so you need to learn the best way to fight your own battles now.' The list of wiser-than-thou quotes goes on and on."

He laughed slightly at my impersonation before he spoke. "She doesn't realize mean girls have risen to a whole new level these days, huh?"

I just sighed. It felt odd talking about girl politics with an immortal who probably had far worse things to deal with. I felt childish, but I couldn't help it. Despite the fact I was a little mature for my age, I was indeed still seventeen. I deserved to act like it on occasion.

"No. And I don't want to tell her either. Everyone has enough to worry about. I can deal with a few nasty comments if everyone else can deal with keeping the world safe."

Fine. Maybe it was harder to be a selfish teen than I thought. I felt petty for letting Elaina and her bitch patrol get under my skin.

He laughed a little harder, possibly poking fun of my miniscule problems. "How very noble of you." Then he opened the door to his jeep. He saw me eyeing it skeptically.

"I put your crest in it. Everett will be following us as well. You're safe."

Oddly enough, I did feel safe with him. I barely knew him, but I felt protected. I'd seen him use his fire recreationally, and I could only imagine how much of a threat it would be if the need arose.

I climbed in the jeep and he shut the door for me. As soon as he opened the door on his side, I asked him a question that was bugging me.

"How old are you? Or... how old were you when you transformed?"

"Transformed?" he asked, grinning.