I nodded my head, acknowledging what she said. I guessed it was sensible enough. We sat down beside McKee who put his arm around my chair, but no butterflies stirred this time.

Then it felt like someone was staring at me.

I turned to see it was Tallis who was staring. His eyes were intensely staring into mine, then he cracked a slight smile again and turned back around. I was mesmerized by him. He was so… perfect.

The bell rang, bringing me back to reality and making me look away, when I turned around again, he was gone. How long did I stare? My food was still untouched.

“Looking for something, Aria?" McKee's voice was light as he spoke with an odd look on his face.

"She's looking for Tallis Verdan," Taryn answered for me. She did it with a dramatizing tone that very obviously implied I had a crush.

McKee frowned slightly, not pleased with his sister's comment. "Economics time," he said dryly. He was a little cold all the way back to the lockers.

I got to economics and saw Tallis walking into the class in front of me. I took a deep breath, and butterflies rushed through my stomach as I started through the door. McKee grabbed my hand, jerking me back.

"You'll need this." He handed me my bag. "You left it in the cafeteria." Then he turned and walked away swiftly, disappearing into the class next door.

I walked in to see the class was already full. Only one seat was left, and it was right behind Tallis. It was almost a heady rush just thinking about taking a seat so close to him.

He never even looked up when I walked by. It was as if I was suddenly invisible to him, despite the staring competition we had just had in the cafeteria. I saw Everett across the room. He seemed just as unpleasant as he had earlier.

The teacher started roll call, making his way down list. "Tallis Verdan?"

Tallis raised a hand up in acknowledgement, but kept his eyes glued to whatever he was reading on his table.

It was all I could do not to stare at the back of his head. Then the teacher got to my name, and struggled just as my other two teachers had.

"And our newest member, Aree-see-ann-aah Weislen?" he said with uncertainty of his pronunciation.

My voice was riddled with nervousness as I spoke. "I go by Aria, actually." I said, trying to hide my embarrassment while slinking down in my chair.

"Aria. Much easier. I'll change that right now."

As the teacher made his notation on his book, I avoided the scrutinizing stares of the other students. It had been the same in every class.

I had noticed that Tallis lifted his head slightly when my name was called. He didn't turn around though.

I finished my work and handed it in - first of course, despite how distracted I was. Tallis finished quickly as well. He was walking up as I was walking back. We met between the rows of tables, and we had to turn sideways, facing each other as we passed.

Our eyes locked again, and he faintly smiled at me. One hand held his paper and his free hand grazed my side as if he were politely supporting me as we passed. His hand felt like fire on my side for the brief moment it was there. I felt my whole body blushing. It was nothing like I'd ever experienced before.

His soft blue shirt dangled loosely at his side, and my hand grazed its tip when I was almost by him. Even the touch of his shirt sent a thrilling sensation coursing through my body.

As he was walking back to his seat, he was staring at me very deliberately. I met his gaze and felt helplessly captivated again. A very subtle smirk stayed on his face, and I could feel the rest of my body turning as red as my face.

He was obviously accustomed to the attention I was paying him, and again, I couldn't stop staring. I felt so ridiculous. He sat back down in front of me and pulled out a book to read.

About fifteen minutes later, the bell rang, and I just about leapt from my seat. Tallis had already stood up, and he leaned back to let me pass first. I was so flustered by that incredibly long class, being stuck behind him, that when I had to pass him again, I fell right on top of him, knocking him back into his seat with me almost straddling lap. I felt my face beam an even brighter shade of red than before.

Panic rang out as I finally spoke. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm so embarrassed." I could feel my skin burning with humiliation.

"It's fine." His voice was so breathtakingly wonderful to hear, like velvet massaging my senses. I just stared into his eyes that seemed to love holding me captive with their bewitching charm. He spoke a bit more comically as he continued. “But if you don't mind standing up, I need to get to gym now." He smiled teasingly at me.

Now I was even more embarrassed, realizing I was still on his lap. I leapt to my feet so quickly that my still flustered self nearly fell backwards on the table behind me.

Before my fall could finish, I felt arms around me, catching me, burning me. I felt his breath when its heat brushed the edge of my neck. I felt his strong abdomen pressed against my body in a way that gave me the most delightful chills I had ever experienced.

There was an inexplicable desperate desire to stay close to him. I didn't even know him. I couldn't help it though. I didn't want our accidental embrace to end. I looked up to see him smiling down at me with such enchantment.