I huffed. "It's not another party, is it?"

He laughed somewhat. "No, it's a little dead where we're going."

He placed heavy emphasis on the word "dead," which raised a few questions, but I just let it go. I was just grateful to be getting out of there.

I cocked my head to the side. "I thought a bodyguard had to cover my scent. Where are we going?"

He just smiled. "Trust me. I think you'll appreciate it. It's not too far, and it is heavily crested."

We drove to a place that was just a little ways down the road from the party. Jared hopped out of the jeep and flashed to my side to open my door for me. I hesitated slightly before putting my hand in his.

He noted my hesitation and spoke with reassurance. "Don't worry. Like I said, these grounds are very crested. You'll be perfectly safe here."

I looked around at all the old statues. Everything glistened under the moonlight. Most every statue had a fighting stance, anger in their eyes, and a feel that demanded respect.

There was only one that seemed to be at peace. It was a woman with one hand across her heart and one hand stretched out with the palm facing up. I wasn't sure where we were exactly or what all these idols stood for.

Jared walked up and leaned against the tree beside the statue of the woman that kept calling for my attention. "It figures you'd head straight to this one."

I raised an eyebrow at him curiously. "Why do you say that?"

He put his hands in his pockets as his eyes held mine.

"This is the statue of Isis. She was known for her compassion and mercy. So when they built the statue of her, they tried to incorporate that. It was why she was such a good leader for us. Despite her unimaginable depth of power, she was very modest and controlled. She never used force unless absolutely necessary. She believed in defending her family and herself, but she never set out to start a fight if it could be avoided."

I took a step toward him, letting my eyes fall back to the tranquil statue for a moment, analyzing her with a different gaze. Then I turned back to him.

"Isn't that the way all the good guys are?"

He laughed slightly as he closed some of the distance between us. "No. Your grandmother is though. Dramus's followers have made a lot of us want revenge. I personally would love to see their ashes spread every chance I get."

He started sitting down, and I felt warmth flowing to me despite the frigid air and snow all around. Before he got to the ground, all the snow around him melted and a beautiful green grass was revealed. Not only was the snow gone, the ground was also dry now.

Okay... That was a little impressive.

Then he patted the ground next to him for me to sit down.

I did as he beckoned and sat down beside him. "Why do you seek revenge? What did they do?"

He grimaced slightly upon hearing my question, making me feel guilty for asking. I was all too eager for knowledge. I sometimes forgot many of them had buried scars they didn't want to dredge up. I should have learned to tread lightly over someone's past after being with Tallis.

Tallis. Just the thought of him made tears swell in my eyes. But I didn't want Jared or anyone else to know how much pain I was in. They'd all lecture me about links. I couldn't stand the hushed whispers of worry and dread as it was. One major breakdown and they'd call in a magical shrink.

I missed him though. I physically ached to be with him. Having Jared take my mind off things for a night was nice, but the hole in my heart was too vast for a small Band-Aid to cover. I didn't need closure. I needed him back. It was agonizing to not have anyone understand.

As a nervous habit, I started messing with my fingernails, wishing I could take my suspended question back. After a few moments of awkward, extended silence, he finally answered me, much to my surprise.

"Well, for starters, they destroyed most of my first coven," he said softly, his eyes focused on the ground.

I gasped, but I quickly covered my mouth. I wasn't expecting that. I waited patiently to see if he'd elaborate, and after a few more passing minutes of silence, he did.

"We were on a scouting mission. My sister had just come back from the guardianship. We'd told her of who she was to become, and we were trying to keep her protected. We were also keeping an eye on the surrounding area for any unwanted trespassers. We did a poor job of spotting anything out of the ordinary that day.

"We were ambushed. My sister had gone to town with my mother and a few bodyguards. They awaited her arrival in front of the gates of our home. We fought the ambush, trying our best to get back to my home before they could get to my sister, but they killed my father right in front of me. They forced me to watch as they held me down and showed him no mercy.

"I don't know what happened, but something inside of me snapped, forcing me to lose control, and suddenly, my magic surged in a way that has never happened since. I sent a blue blaze from my hands and destroyed ten of their best fighters in a matter of seconds."

I heard the unmistakable pain in his voice as he told the story. As an instinct, I started to reach for him, to comfort him, but I withdrew before I ever made it too close. I tucked my hands in closer to my body, unsure of what to say or do.