I woke up burning up. I glanced over to look at the clock. It was two o'clock in the morning. I huffed in aggravation.

Everyone in the house was immortal, so they often forgot that a mortal needs temperature control.

I got up and walked downstairs to adjust the thermostat. They must've thought that since it was winter I would need it set on eighty-two degrees. I lowered it to seventy-two, and then I looked outside.

There was snow on the ground. I'd never seen so much snow until this year. It was so beautiful the way the moon glistened off the surface of the fluffy white blanket. Then I saw bright colors erupting from around the corner of the house.

I threw on my boots and my jacket, and then I ran outside to investigate. As I rounded the corner, I saw Jared. He stood out there, shirtless, as he blasted streaks of fire across the yard. It seemed to be so effortless for him. The fire that blazed from his hands just seemed to be an extension of him. I could see him swaying back a

nd forth as he kept his eyes focused forward, enjoying the heady power rush.

"Can't sleep, Aria?" he asked in nearly a whisper, startling me.

I didn't even know he knew I was there. I was slightly embarrassed now that he knew I was watching him.

"It was really hot inside, so I got up and saw lights flashing. My curiosity got the better of me."

The fire suddenly disappeared from his hands and he turned to face me. His lean sculpted body reminded me so much of Tallis's. His pants hung low on his waist, and he had a menacing grin when he became aware of my foolish, unintentional gawking.

"Sorry. Immortals forget the most comfortable temperature when there hasn't been a mortal around for a while." Then he smiled at me even cockier then he already was. "You want to come here for a minute?"

My head snapped up suddenly, and I quit drooling like an idiot. "What?" I squeaked, squirming awkwardly.

"Easy, girl," he said softly, trying not to laugh at my skittish reaction. "I was just asking if you wanted to feel the magic. Come here. Trust me."

Trust him? I didn't know him.

He smiled at me as he stuck his hand out, gesturing for me to take it. I was confused by what he was proposing, but I warily put my hand in his hand and mumbled, "Okay."

He pulled me into his arms swiftly, making my breath catch in my throat, and put my back against his chest. I could feel the heat radiating from his body to mine. It wasn't as fiery as Tallis's touch, but things were definitely heating up.

His voice was so soft that it was almost seductive. "Just breathe as I breathe. Inhale as I do, and exhale as I do."

My body was firmly placed against his, and his arms were on top of mine. I followed his body movement, and I could feel something - I just didn't know what it was.

I started to ask him what it was that I was feeling, when suddenly, fire erupted from his palms. He crisscrossed the blaze to create a repetitive pattern, and I felt entranced under the spell of its beauty. I couldn't feel any heat from the fire, but I could feel the power as if it was my own. My body flowed with his as he continued projecting the magnificent blaze.

Then he spoke softly in my ear as we continued to flow together. "Pretty soon you'll feel your own magic. It'll feel even better than this." Then the fire suddenly disappeared, abandoning us in the cold.

I almost had to catch my breath when I stumbled away from him. Everyone had spoken about magic, lectured me on it, even given me some shining demonstrations, but this was the first time anyone had let me feel it.

"That was amazing. I've never felt anything like that," I breathlessly released.

He just smiled at me. "It's not just magic - it's an art. It can bring you peace and release. There's no other feeling like it in the world. You hold the control and you feel grounded."

His distraction was needed, and it did give me a sense of calm. Nothing could quell my need to be with Tallis, but it was enough to push the heartbreaker away from the forefront of my mind.

"Thank you. I guess I need to get back in. I'm sure the house has cooled down by now. Not to mention, I'm frigging freezing now."

He chuckled lightly. "Sorry. I forget how cold it can be during the winters." Then he turned back like he was going to continue blazing.

I stopped walking and faced his back before speaking again. "Are you going to stay out here all night?"

He turned back to me to respond. His eyes pulsed, and I felt something happen. I felt as though there was a furnace suddenly inside me, warming me from the inside out. It felt confusing, but it offered such delicious heat.

"That should make you feel a bit warmer out here. Should you want to stay a little longer. I'll just be another hour or so."

I looked at him, my curiosity piqued to the nth degree. "Did you just use your power to warm me up?"