I was starting to glare at her with absolute distrust. Everything... All of it... It was all a lie.

She grimaced again. "Fabricated memories, mostly," she said, letting out a harsh breath when she saw the horror on my face. She sighed deeply before continuing. "When Gear and Aster would come to visit, they would bring a guard. They would also change their appearance to be younger. However, most memories were the concoction of a dreamer."

My eyes grew wide. I felt like a rug had just been pulled out from underneath me and I was landing on a bed of jagged rocks. Everything had been turned upside-down.

My voice echoed the betrayal I was feeling inside. "You have to be kidding. Memories of my brother and sister are fabricated? How could you?"

She tried to touch me, but I knocked her hand away with disgust. She frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry, dear. I didn't plan on having anymore children after Geariandan Astrianna. I told you about getting my tubes tied before getting pregnant with you, but it wasn't true. I went to a chanter, which is a magical doctor. He told me I wouldn't have anymore children, but directly after I had Jaymondian and then Ashiara the very next year. Then I went back to the chanter. Again he told me I wouldn't have any more children. Then you introduced yourself to me so late in the pregnancy that it nearly shocked me to death. I was trying to protect you, but now it seems as if I should have told you about your destiny sooner."

"You think?" I scoffed sardonically, refusing to meet her gaze.

She sighed. "I may have done this all wrong, but everything I did was for you. I thought I was doing what was best for you. Nothing like this has ever happened with your siblings."

I just mumbled, "The road to hell was paved with good intentions."

She groaned, desperate to find a way to clear her conscience, but I was done. I had no intentions of easing her guilt.

She took a deep breath before speaking again. "Honey, you've had so much dropped on you so fast. Let's not press anything tonight. I think you need some rest. We'll talk in the morning. Give your emotions time to settle down. We shouldn't let anything get said that we might regret." She got up and headed to the door, hesitating before she fully retreated. "Good night."

I didn't say anything. I just turned away. I listened as her footsteps disappeared down the stairs.

Chapter 14

Gas on the fire

When your world falls apart, you can't always pick up the pieces by yourself.

I woke up the next morning with tears still staining my eyes. My head was aching from the absurd amount I'd cried. I could hear people talking outside. I half hoped it was Tallis.

I peeked out the window to see a younger guy. He was maybe twenty. He was huddled up with several members of our coven.

I walked outside to find out what was going on. I wasn't really in the mood to deal with company, but I needed something, anything to take my mind off of Tallis.

I stumbled outside, thanks to the threshold of the doorway sticking up too far. Gear walked up to take my hand, and pulled me toward the new member.

"This clumsy girl is my youngest sister, Aria."

How dare he act like nothing was wrong. I'd just found out he and Aster had been lying to me all these years. I didn't even know which memories were real or fake. It was painful.

"I'm Jared Hunter," the guy said in his velvety Irish accent.

Jared smiled at me as he reached out his hand to shake mine. His hair was very dark, and his eyes glistened with green and blue. He had a tall and muscular build, but not bulky muscle. Even though he was eye candy, I barely paid him attention.

Then Gear spoke again in an excited gush. "Jared is one of the members of the light militia. He's going to be crashing here for a couple of days, or more. He's waiting on a few others to meet up with information. Jared and I go way back.”

I rolled my eyes, thinking of how Jaslene had told me of Gear's real age. My voice was weak and strained when I tried to respond.

"Where's he going to be staying? And what's the light militia?"

Before Gear could answer my questions, Olivia called for him. "Gear, I need you to come help me set up a room for Jared please."

Gear jogged off and Jared chuckled quietly. The subtly of Jared's accent was charming. His pretty eyes were disarming, but all I could think about was the jerk who ran off directly after I confessed my love.

"I never would've thought Gear to be the housebroken type," he said through his chuckles.

I could barely force a smirk. I'd always thought of Gear as being very mature, but it appeared I didn't know very much about him at all. I'm sure he was immature when he was actually younger.