"Merlin fell, along with three of Isis's children. It seemed as though Dramus would win the war. But then Isis threw herself at Dramus, surprising everyone. She latched on, and then the darkness lit up with the explosion that ensued.

"A powerful eruption threw them all back, and it decimated the remaining followers Dramus had with him. The scales had been tipped, the war was over, and the light had won, but the cost was grave. Only two of her children survived, and Isis and Merlin were no more."

Ashes littered the air, and a blazing battlefield roared with dark figures swarming all around. Bright, blinding lights surrounded a indefinably beautiful woman whose name I did not know.

She had exquisitely long blonde hair, and she was filled with the utmost grace and elegance, despite the war that was raging on around her. She was fighting against the dark atrocious shadow soldiers that were thundering toward her with a vicious, insatiable appetite for destruction and death.

They were soulless and merciless as they obliterated all those blocking their path to her. The undeniable pungent smell of death surrounded them as they continued on with their terrifyingly ferocious attack. The monsters only seemed to grow as they made their way toward her.

Rain pounded on them all like downward flying daggers as the battle grew more fierce between the monsters and the woman. She was throwing swirling blue fire and streaks electricity at them. She was bending the wind to do her will as it pushed against the dark forces like an impenetrable wall.

It was almost like watching a dance as she leapt from place to place, launching her attacks. She was so amazingly agile as the power flowed through her with such indescribable intensity. She flew through them almost effortlessly, it seemed.

Then the darkest shadow of them all stood before her suddenly. He was the epitome of evil itself, and he destroyed everything around her with one massively destructive blow.

She screamed and cried out in agonizing pain when it seemed all had been lost. She threw herself at him and a colossal blinding white light suddenly erupted into the air with a deafening boom as the earth rattled beneath it.

Very slowly, the smoke began to settle. The light gradually faded until it was gone. There was still a slight bit of smoke obstructing my view when the woman finally turned back around, but it was no longer her… it was me, and I spoke through an echoed tone.

"Save them all."

Chapter 3

School and ... Boys

You only get one chance to make a first impression.

The alarm buzzed in my ear with such deafening and terrifying annoyance. I actually fell out of bed from the startling panic it had created. I felt foolish as I climbed to my feet and turned it off.

I never had to use an alarm before. It was a horrible little invention. Who wants to be scared awake?

My wild dream had left me restless for the rest of the night. No more bedtime stories from Iris on a school night.

I got ready, wearing the ensemble that Aster and Ash had laid out for me. Then I went and applied my makeup, just as I had been instructed to do. I wondered idly if Iris was going to drive me or let me drive one of their vehicles.

As I made it down the stairs, everyone was waiting for me.

"Do you guys ever go home?" I asked to my siblings.

They all chuckled as they came to stand behind Iris and George. "We had to see this," Jay said, a big smile on his face.

"See what? Me on my first day of school? That's so... embarrassing."

They all chuckled and shook their heads.

"We have a surprise for you," Iris said, sounding giddy.

"A surprise? Grandma, you've done enough. More than enough. I think you've spent more money on me than most people make in a year."

"That's what happens when I have a lifetime to make up for."

I huffed slightly, considering I hated feeling on display. I studied the crescent moon in the center of the eye that was etched into the fennel on the banner of the staircase. It seemed like a good focus point while they all gawked at me.

"Come on, girl," George said excitedly, startling me.

"Oh," I murmured, not realizing the surprise they spoke of was elsewhere.

I warily followed them outside, uncertain about what was going on, until I saw a BMW SUV with a bright red bow tied on top of it. A gasp followed my realization, and I whipped around while shaking my head.