"Tallis is in my life to stay. I know you think I'm just a young foolish teenager, especially since you're like three-hundred years old, literally. But I know this is real, and I trust that I'm right."

"I'm actually four-hundred-and-fifty. I was born back when... Well, no history lessons tonight. Tonight my little girl goes out on her first real date."

It was odd seeing her look thirty again. She almost looked the same age as Iris. It was still an adjustment.

She hugged me tightly and went back downstairs to where everyone was congregated. I joined them shortly after. We were talking and joking around when there was a knock at the door.

Jay laughed while speaking in a playfully teasing tone. "Did he actually just knock? He's been coming on in for months now. I swear he's moved in and not told anyone."

He had no room to talk. Ayla spent most of her time there, too. She and Jay had become inseparable. It was uncanny really. Jay had never been the settling down type. That soul mate connection must be pretty powerful stuff. I couldn't wait to be Tallis's soul mate.

Aster walked to the door, motioning for me to come with her so that the family didn't tease us for longer than necessary. McKee was there, scowling as usual when it came to Tallis and me. He was completely different than the perky, confident guy I met the first day of school whenever Tallis was around.

I felt bad for him, but I loved Tallis. McKee stared at me as I walked to the door. Then he made a snide comment.

"Don't see the point of taking her out when he's been sharing her bedroom for months now."

I cut my eyes at him and shook my head. He wasn't ruining this for me. I wouldn't allow it.

As soon as Aster opened the door, I darted out to the porch. There he was. He had on dark denim jeans with a button up black shirt that complemented my ensemble quite nicely. His eyes grew incredibly wide when he saw me.

"Wow." He seemed surprised, which was flattering and a little disheartening at the same time. I definitely needed to dress up a little more. "Did I miss something? Aren't we going to grab a bite at the diner?"

I heard Jay snickering. I ignored him though. I was slightly blushing as I spoke with a bit of embarrassment. "Yeah, I just let Ash have her way with me tonight."

As I shut the door behind us, he waved to everyone. I grumbled under my breath when I saw McKee roll his eyes.

Tallis wrapped his arm around my waist to usher me to the car. I leaned into him, ignoring the fluttering nerves trying to strangle me.

We got to the diner and I heard a guy whistle at me. Tallis shot him a threatening look. The guy threw his hands up in mock surrender, snickering somewhat. Tallis shook it off.

"He wouldn't be laughing if he knew you could blow him up with the flick of your wrists," Chris whispered, chuckling lightly.

Tallis let out a laugh and got over the quick surge of anger. He put his arm around me. He winked at me as he spoke in his smoldering tone. "I guess I can't blame him for his interest. You're… well… perfect."

I felt myself blushing, squirming awkwardly under his enamored gaze. "Ash worked hard." I smiled lightly.

"She didn't have to do anything. You're always beautiful." He winked at me, making those butterflies collide in frenzy.

"So then there's nothing special about me tonight?"

"I never said that. Tonight-" He paused, letting his eyes rake over me in appraisal. "Tonight, you're stunning in a whole new light. Made me gasp for air."


ow I really was blushing. He certainly had a way with words. He was definitely smooth and charismatic. I found charm in the tiniest of things he would say. I was in love with him, and my resolve was cemented. I knew he was my soul mate no matter what the odds were.

My voice was quiet. "Thank you."

"Anytime." He was staring intensely into my eyes until we were interrupted by the waitress.

We finished up and walked out with our fingers interlocked. The night was going great.

Chris and Tallis had been having a friendly dispute about who was faster. They decided on a ten mile race. Tallis turned to kiss me on the cheek.

Mmm. His lips were so soft.

"Chris and I are going to settle this. I'll be back soon. I'll be the one you see first."