"I'm sorry I've been such an ass, but I honestly can't help it. I know this world is all new to you, so I know it's hard for you to understand."

I brought my eyes to meet his. "What don't I understand? You seem to be the one who doesn't understand. I'm with Tallis. I'm sorry, but he's the one I want."

Even though I was whispering, you could still hear the aggravation in my tone. I put my eyes back down and continued working.

"When we first met, you were attracted to me. You even liked me a little. I was linked to you in order to hide you. When I was linked, I felt those feelings. They magnified my attraction to you. It's a super thing, if you know what I mean. Not to mention, your strong bloodline makes it that much more intoxicating to be around you. I'm in a rough place right now."

I raised my eyes back up. I could hear the frustration in my whispered response. "I was attracted to you for like a nanosecond. So use your link to figure that out."

I continued on with the assignment, hoping he would just drop the whole conversation.

He didn't though. His pleading tone was almost sad.

"It doesn't work like that. When I first linked to you, those feelings were toward me. When you started feeling like you did for Tallis, I was still linked. Those feelings you have toward Tallis are the same feelings I have toward you. Imagine if you were in my shoes, and Tallis liked you for an instant. Then suddenly he liked someone else, and your emotions only grew.

"It would be hard for you to deal with it. I know I haven't dealt with it all that great... at all, but I'm doing the best I know how to do. I haven't ever been in this situation before. I usually guard people I'm not attracted to for this reason.

"I can't pretend I don't have feelings. I can't just shut them off. I wish I could, but it doesn't work that way. Will you please just be patient with me, and maybe even… a little nicer?"

His voice was hopeful and still quiet. His eyes showed genuine pain, which forced me to look back down. I suddenly changed my tone. I didn't even want to think about how hard it would be to watch Tallis be with someone else. It would be unbearable.

My head rose and I laid down my pencil, preparing to give him my full and undivided attention for the first time. Then I turned my head and looked into his eyes directly.

"Our assignment is finished."

I smiled at him encouragingly. I didn't know what else to say, but I could start trying to be nicer. He was in pain and he was trying to keep me safe. I didn't understand this crazy world of magic, but he was just a guy in pain to me. I saw things a little more clearly, though I admit it was a lot to try to fully understand.

He smiled back and spoke with a satisfactory sort of tone. "That was the other reason I wanted you as my partner. I didn't have to do the first thing." He put his hands behind his head and reclined back slightly, returning to his normal, cocky and confident self. It was nice to see.

I elbowed him sort of hard in the side. He didn't flinch, but my elbow popped.


People turned their heads to question my accidental outburst. I was slinking down and avoiding their eye contact.

McKee just snickered slightly as he inspected my wounded elbow. Then he spoke in a lower whispered tone than before.

"It should be fine. You can have Aster or Anesta double check it when you get home. Not wise to make any rough physical contact with a bodyguard." He paused as I shook my head. Then his eyebrows raised up and down, as a smug little grin spread across his face. "Well, not all rough physical contact is discouraged, if you know what I mean."

I started to elbow him again, but the light throbbing pain reminded me why that would be a mistake. I just rolled my eyes and commented this time instead.

"I think I'll pass."

The bell rang, interrupting the playful banter, and Tallis was in the doorway promptly. McKee pushed his seat back in place, and Tallis grimaced in a displeased manner.

McKee intentionally made an effort to speak to me on his way out, stopping in front of Tallis. "See you later ,Aria. Glad we got this sorted out. It'll be better now." He left, leaving a pile of mystery in his wake.

Tallis stared at me, quizzical and worried. "What's he talking about?"

I let out a deep sigh. "We talked about the way he's been acting, and he agreed to be better. I agreed to be more understanding. I don't understand all the weird rules of magic. I'm sure it's a little more complicated than I realize."

His eyes were riddled with confusion, as was his voice. "What do you mean?"

We stopped at my locker so I could swap my calculus book for my Spanish book.

"I was attracted to McKee when we first met. I kind of liked him. He said he was linked to me so he could hide-" I paused, trying to find the right discreet phrasing as I noticed people within earshot of our conversation. "-me from the crazies. His link to me and my feelings magnified his feelings."

Tallis's head drooped in a defeated manner. It looked like I had just destroyed his will to even stand at that moment. I quickly continued speaking as I put my hand on his chest and stood directly under him to stare up into his eyes.