"McKee, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, but I really don't need you. I'm fine."

McKee's gaze cut away for a moment. Then he looked back up with genuine pain in his eyes.

"You wouldn't even be with him right now if I had been there to save you that day. If I had been the one to save you, I would be the one with you every waking second. He was just in the right place at the right time. You shouldn't be with someone because of pure dumb luck."

His voice sounded slightly choked up as he spoke with sincere heartbreak.

I sighed loudly, trying to be sympathetic. I could tell how much this was hurting him, and I didn't want to make it worse. I searched for the best way to deliver my brutal truth.

"McKee, that's not why I'm with him all the time. I really do care about Tallis. I'm sorry, but the fact that he saved me has nothing to do with why I'm with him."

I could see the look of satisfaction mixed with confusion that spread across Tallis's face.

"It is why you're with him. You and he just linked up through the emotions you were feeling for him when he saved you. It's pretty common in our world. You'll see it soon enough. Even if you don't realize it now, things would have gone different without him in the way."

"I'm not in the way. I'm simply keeping her safe. I'll not leave her until she asks me to go." Tallis was a little more stern than earlier, but sincere.

"And that will never happen," I promptly interjected with my still soft-spoken tone.

Tallis showed his approval for my response by kissing my head. McKee didn't say anything else. He left abruptly, dissatisfied by my reaction. I didn't care though because I was back in Tallis's arms, with a small towel being the only thing separating us.

He leaned over and kissed the top of my head again before speaking. "We have to get ready for school"

My shoulders dropped in disappointment. I nodded unwillingly, and left as he climbed into the shower. I was hard pressed not to just climb in the shower with him, but I fought the urge and continued getting ready. Yet again, we had come so close to kissing, but we were interrupted at the most inopportune time.

"It's always something" I murmured aloud as I went to make us some coffee.

We got to school and I could feel someone watching me. Then I saw that it was McKee. He was propped up against his car, close to the entrance. I shook my head and spoke in a very irritated sort of tone.

"I really dread calculus more and more." I looked to Tallis.

He forced a smile. "I'm not very fond of you in that class either, but the semester will be over before you know it. And I'm never too far away."

He leaned over and kissed my cheek once we made it to the lockers. I could hear some girls whispering in envious tones. I just smiled. I was tired of worrying about what the other girls thought of me.

I shrugged and spoke quietly after gathering my books. "I guess I'll see you in a bit."

"It can't get her soon enough."

He let my hand go slowly as he walked away. I took a deep breath and reluctantly headed into calculus.

Mr. Leeson stood at the front of class and talked in a cooler, more causal tone than usual. "We'll be partnering up today to work a project. You're going to use the equations on the board and design any structure you would like. You can use the equations in any order you wish, but they have to all be used. Take a moment and choose your partner."

Great. I had no friends and McKee was the only one I knew in the entire class. No one even glanced my way. No guy was going to get in the mix with Tallis and McKee. No girl wanted to get on Elaina's bad side by pairing up with me.

Everybody paired up and the only two left without a partner was McKee and me.

He slid his chair beside mine with a shrug and a cocky, triumphant smile. "Looks like it's just you and me today."

I didn't say anything. I just let out a sigh of frustration and began working on the assignment. I planned on finishing it very quickly.

I began sketching after I solved each equation. McKee just sat there, staring at me, building the awkwardness. He finally decided to break the silence.

He leaned over closer and spoke in a low, whispered voice. "I know I don't get many chances to talk to you without Tallis hovering, so I have to at least try to explain myself while the opportunity is available."

I didn't acknowledge him. I just kept my eyes on the paper and continued working. Th

at didn't discourage him though. He continued speaking in his whisper.