After a month, you'd think I wouldn't still be waking up so disoriented. I didn't come to terms with where I was until Tallis put his hand on my back.

His voice was soothing and compassionate, but there was a hint of worry as well. "Aria? What's wrong?"

"I was just dreaming. Sorry. Go back to sleep. I'll be fine." It seemed to happen more and more lately. I was glad Tallis had been sticking around.

I knew I probably wouldn't sleep too much more after that.

"Tell me what it was about." His tone was so considerate and concerned at the same time. He pulled me into his arms and my head rested on his right shoulder.

"A dark figure draining me dry. Same as always."

I felt like I was annoying everyone with my constant worry. I was still adjusting. My whole life had changed drastically in the past couple of weeks.

"Aria, it's going to take some time. I'm here though. Don't worry."

"I know I'm safe," I said, smiling as he kissed my forehead. "I've got you and my grandmother has enlisted an army of bodyguards."

He tensed a little, and then he let out a harsh breath. "Yeah. Plenty of bodyguards."

I was quick to question his odd response. "Why do you say it like that?"

He shrugged and loosened his grip on me.

"I just don't trust bodyguards. I've got good reasons for that." He sounded a little distressed with a hint of anger. There was something eating at him.

"Why don't you trust them?"

He took a deep breath and his eyes shifted toward mine. His look turned from deep thought, to forced comfort. "Another story for another time. It's late and you've yawned like five times in a row. We have to go to school soon. Sleep deprivation is never a good thing for young minds."

He leaned over and kissed me on top of my head. He was hiding something that had happened.

He slid down into the covers and patted the bed beside him, gesturing for me to join him in comfort. But I refused to relent that easily. "I want to know. There's something bothering you, so I have to know. If you expect me to confide in you, then I should be entitled the right to expect the same."

He sat back up and stared into my eyes, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. "Maybe I just don't like bodyguards because I don't like McKee watching your every move." He smiled playfully, proud of his witty little cover up.

"Uh-uh. It's not that easy. I want to know the truth." I crossed my arms over my chest in protest of his unwillingness to confide in me.

He sighed and shook his head. "Okay. I'll make a deal with you. If you lay down with me right now and go to sleep, I promise I'll answer any question you have before we go to bed tomorrow." His eyebrows went up and down mischievously.

My heart fluttered. I'd been sleeping with him for a while now, yet we hadn't even kissed. It was confusing and frustrating. Especially since he never slept with a shirt on.

I leaned in closer to be inches from his face. "Well, that depends on if you plan on avoiding me all day tomorrow."

His eyes softened as did his voice. "I couldn't avoid you even if I wanted to. I can't stay away from you any longer than what I'm forced to, in case you haven't noticed. I've been sleeping in your bed for a while now, and it's not just because I was asked to watch over you." He rubbed my side affectionately.

I looked down a little embarrassed. "Sorry. I guess you probably miss sleeping in your own bed, in your own room, in your own house. You should probably stay at your own place tomorrow. I shouldn't be so needy. I promise I-"

He stuck one finger over my lips to stop my incessant, embarrassing ramble. "There's no way I wouldn't be with you for any reason unless I was hurting you. I wasn't complaining about being here with you. I was pointing out the fact I can't be without you."

Now I was really blushing. "Thanks." Then I raised my head. "It's odd that everyone is so okay with you sleeping in my bed with me. I don't say anything about it because I keep worrying they'll make you stop."

He laughed and then covered his mouth to muffle the sound.

"They're definitely not okay with it. Your dad would probably hate me if I wasn't here for your safety. They want you to feel safe, as well as be safe. Not to mention…" He hesitated to finish. "They sort of have the impression that I've been sleeping on the floor."

"Oh… Well that makes sense."

I thought to myself about how they had nothing to worry about. If it was taking us this long to get to first base, I would be, well, immortal by the time we even rounded second. There's no telling how long it would be before I got any farther.