McKee leaned away from the doorframe, talking quietly as he did so. "See ya, Aria. Call me if you need me… for anything at all."

He offered a threatening gaze to Tallis, but he ignored McKee's warning glare. I gave a quick wave and turned back toward Tallis. They were on their way out the door when I heard several people coming down the hall.

My hands flew up in an aggravated sort of manner as I let out an unintentional outburst with exaggerated agitation in my tone. "Oh no! Now what?"

I didn't actually mean to say that aloud. I heard Tallis snicker at my disappointment for our spoiled moment.

"Arisianna!" Someone's voice was panicked. It sounded like Iris's voice, somewhat.

I kept the same agitated tone as I addressed her. "Yeah, grandma?"

Now what happened? I just needed ten minutes alone with Tallis, and I couldn't seem to catch a break.

She came into view... sort of. "Arisianna, honey, something has come up."

It was her voice, it just wasn't as feeble and scratchy as it had been. She sounded rejuvenated. It certainly was not her face, or body, or even her hair.

She had long flowing vibrant red waves in place of her silvery white bun. Her face was smooth, no lines or wrinkles anymore. Her body was more lively, and her hands were smooth and young.

"Grand…ma?" I was in shock.

"Oh, sorry, dear." She touched her face and hair, remembering that she no longer looked like the little old lady I had known her to be. "I was thirty-five when I became eternal. Making myself look aged takes a lot of concentration. I didn't see any reason to keep up the charade since you knew."

I just nodded, still a little astonished by the unexpected transformation.

She came over to where I was. "We've called an emergency meet

ing with the heads of the strongest light families. Allaysia and Edmond will be joining us. None of knew about Graven organizing like he has. One of the bodyguards just spotted another scout. He was an electric. They're planning something. We have to get together and discuss this now that we have more information. Everyone needs to be aware of the imminent threat he could pose."

There was a slight bit of angst in my tone as I spoke. "Okay. I'll be fine in here, won't I?"

She quickly responded to my question. "Your essence is hidden in here, and no one outside the invited can come in, but I'm not going to leave you alone and unprotected. I'm going to have some people stay here with you."

Tallis surprised me by jumping in so eagerly. "I'll stay with her. I've already destroyed one scout today."

Gear joined us, grimacing at that proposal. "I don't think so, Casanova. You're a little too cozy with my baby sister to be spending the night.” Then he looked at Iris. "I'll stay, Grandma."

Tallis looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, raising his eyebrows at the same time in a way that said "I tried." I just fought back a smile for his valiant attempt.

Gear was such a pain. But then Iris interjected.

"Geariandan, you have to take Olivia and Ashiara to see if you can track down that scout. Olivia can drain his memories and get some idea of what's going on."

I supposed that meant Olivia was a drainer. I realized I had no clue what powers my siblings had. I found myself wondering how old Olivia truly was as well.

"Take Desmond, too. You'll find him useful." Allaysia was suddenly in the room, smiling at me comfortingly and appreciatively. I smiled back.

“I'll stay with Aria." McKee spoke up with a very mischievous tone and glared triumphantly at Tallis.

"He's not staying if I'm not," Tallis said quietly, but you could tell he was a little upset by McKee's offer.

I was so undeniably drawn to him, that anytime he spoke, I tuned everything else out. I didn't know what it felt like to be in love, but I was pretty sure it couldn't be any stronger than the feelings I was having for him. I put my hand in his, interlocking our fingers.

"I didn't hear anyone asking you," McKee snarked.

It sounded like McKee was trying to provoke Tallis, make him start a fight. Tallis didn’t give in to his tactics though. He patiently waited to see what someone else came up with.

Jay walked up with Ayla still hanging on his arm.