"Until us, no one knew soul mates could be beyond the realm of your magic. Then, we had children, despite the danger. Ayla, named after Aylana, was the first. Then Desmond, named after Edmond, was next. Finally, there was Tallis, named after Talisman.

"They're special in the sense no one can smell their essence, and seers can't see them. The witch's essence and the changer's essence cancel each other out in an unexpected but pleasant way. Their powers are strong from their bloodline, due to Allora and their Craymon grandfather's indiscretions. They've lived covertly and hidden from the light and dark followers because we don't belong to either. We've been forever ostracized as pariahs in the world of magic."

That was heartbreaking. I hated knowing Tallis had suffered. I felt... so protective, so angry that he had been punished for something that had nothing to do with him. I'd make this right. I had to. It felt like it was my responsibility.

Chapter 7

Bad Blood

Fear of the unknown is the reason for panic and war. Kindness and acceptance is the reason for peace.

The drive back to my grandmother's house was intense. Tallis drove my car as I sat nervously popping my fingers. He was so serious, and he kept his eyes straight ahead, driving in complete silence.

Allaysia and Edmond followed us in their silver Audi, and Desmond and Ayla followed them in her white convertible BMW.

I reached over and put my hand on Tallis's right shoulder for encouragement. He smiled slightly, still staring at the road as he reached across his body with his left hand and placed his palm over the top of my hand.

We pulled up in the driveway, where he released me, and we were met with all of my family... and my grandparents' friends. Everyone's face was riddled with worry, and they were scowling at the unknown company I carried. They couldn’t smell the essence of Tallis, Desmond, or Ayla, but they could smell Allaysia and Edmond as they walked up.

Anesta, Iris's sister, stood in front of the family with a murderous glare, acting as though she was ready to pounce at any second. She held her hand to her side as if she was about to do something, but Iris stepped up and stopped her.

Iris spoke in a cautious and worrisome tone, her eyes anywhere but on me as she spoke. "Arisianna, dear, I have been worried sick. Where have you been?" She shifted her glances between the whole Verdan family, studying them carefully.

I hesitated as to how to get this whole conversation started. I was horrible at articulating things the way I wanted them to come out lately. I blamed Tallis and magic for that.

"I went for a drive after school, but I realized someone was chasing me. I got scared and did what I had to in order to get away. I was absolutely terrified."

"Oh…" Iris tried to sound surprised but her tone was all too obvious. She wasn't too good at acting surprised or acting at all when she was distracted.

I took a deep breath. "Well, not someone. Taryn and McKee were following me, although I didn't know that at the time I made them wreck."

I could see Tallis smirk out of the corner of my eye.

Iris's scolding glance shot toward Taryn and McKee who were bowing their heads in shame. She fumbled around for the right words. "So… you… What makes you think that Taryn and McKee wrecked? They don't have a mark on them. Look for yourself." She held her hand out to prompt me to look at them.

Her voice was shaky. She worried what I knew. It was almost as if she was baiting me, and I took the bait without hesitance. I was ready to let her know that I knew about everything... well, the basics. My voice was steady as I replied.

"I'm sure that has something to do with their invincibility."

Her eyes narrowed at the whole Verdan family and Anesta took a step forward, beaming red with fury.

"What did they tell you!?" Anesta barked, showing her rage.

The Verdan family took a step back. I was handling this all wrong. Suddenly, I saw a sense of calm spread over Anesta. I looked over at Ayla who had removed her white hood and stared at Anesta with her pale blue eyes that seemed to be even lighter now.

Anesta stepped back, relaxed. Iris noticed that Ayla was using magic on her sister, but she had never seen it before.

"What is she doing to Anesta? Is she hurting her?" Now Iris sounded confused and worried.

She was becoming irritated and I heard the wind start to stir. An elemental... like her story. There was an elemental daughter of Isis who survived. A revelation spiraled around me. I understood the whole thing now. My grandmother really was immortal and she had to witness her mother sacrifice herself. That would make Anesta the healer that survived.

I had to stop thinking and start speaking. "She's calming her down. They don't want to fight. They want a chance to tell their story."

"Why should we listen? I smell the Craymon blood from here. She's a Craymon. I don't know how much you know, dear, but I can promise you that nothing good comes from Craymon blood," Iris admonished, her eyes burning against my newfound allies.

Someone help me.

"You're right about me not knowing much, but I do know more than you do about something. I really think you should listen. Just hear their story. Hear it for me."