We turned to face her, and she shoved about ten bags into my brother's hands.

"Da... ng," Jay stammered, catching himself before he cursed, acting as though I was nine instead of seventeen.

"I know, right?" Aster said through a giggle. "Ash has lost all self control. You should see all the bags Gear is carrying."

I groaned inwardly when I saw my eldest brother and his collection of shopping bags. He shook his head, obviously irritated, as he neared us.

"Next time, I'll stay with Aria, and you can deal with Ash," Gear griped, his eyes narrowing at Jay.

I couldn't help but laugh, and Jay joined me. Gear was the oldest and the most irritable. Aster was the next oldest and the most maternal. Jay was right in the middle of us five, and he was the cockiest. Then Ash. Oh boy. Ash was the baby for a while before I was born, and she was definitely the most excitable.

"What's everyone talking about?" Ash asked while walking up, credit card in hand as though she needed it for a speedy purchase.

"Shopaholic," Jay teased.

She rolled her eyes, but I became distracted from the conversation when I saw someone familiar. It was Selesha, Jay's Southern Belle friend who had come with him to Haluali the last time he visited. I had thought she was his girlfriend, but neither would confirm nor deny. Instead, she said she was there to protect him. I remember laughing so hard it hurt.

"Selesha's here," I murmured, pointing with my eyes.

"Selesha?" Jay asked, a lilt to his voice. "I thought they sent Mc-"

"Selesha," Gear called, interrupting Jay and waving her over. His eyes scolded Jay for some reason, and oddly enough, my cocky brother backed down. So weird.

She jogged toward us with a salacious grin on her face, her eyes only finding one focus. Gross.

Jay blushed and three of my bags fell to the ground when he forgot to hold onto them. Ash let out a harsh breath, growling almost, and she scooped up the fallen.

"He's all drool and Jell-o now," Ash retorted. "Thanks, Selesha."

Jay growled at Ash, but she walked away, dragging me behind her as the sparks flew between the sweet southern girl and my dissolving brother. What was Jay going to say? Why did Gear look mad?

Before I could seek answers, I saw that same guy again, and I started feeling as goofy and ridiculous as I had witnessed Jay act. My lips parted, my heart fluttered, and this hoard of butterflies slammed into my stomach in waves of repetition. He was alone this time. The stocky guy had disappeared, and now this masterpiece was talking on a phone, oblivious to me. Who was he?

Right as we were seconds away from being close, Ash violently veered my path. At the last possible second, my eyes found his, and I thought I was going to unravel. All it took was a split second to become putty.

I was starting to realize how completely inexperienced I was. Everyone prepared me for my life here through books and lectures. I passed my driver's test, got my license, and even managed to excel. I had studied all the month's worth of work I'd missed at school, and I was ready to face the scholarly challenge. I'd been given makeup sessions, hairstyling courses, and lessons on matching my attire.

I was prepared for everything... I thought.

Chapter 2

Dealing With the New

Change is hard for everyone, but change is necessary to truly live and grow.

As the night descended upon us, the rough, exhausting day seemed to be over. We rose from the table at the restaurant and started to leave, when I saw that same beautiful guy I had seen at the mall. My heart sunk when I saw the girl he was with.

Her arm was linked with his, and she was smiling as her silky blonde, almost white hair flowed to her waist. She looked a little older, possibly early twenties. I thought he was closer to my age.

"What're we looking at?" Gear asked while tossing his arm across my shoulders as everyone started heading out to the vehicles.

"Not... nothing," I said with a tremble.

I swallowed hard, trying not to let my eyes gawk any longer. I turned to him just as his wife, Olivia strolled up to his side. She smiled warmly at me. She was petite, much like the rest of us. Her golden ringlet hair was soft and bouncy.

"You look like you're ready to start school," Olivia said with her gentle grin. "New hair, new clothes, new shoes... new you."

Ash had murdered my long hair that had reached my waist. Now it barely draped past my shoulders. My clothes.... ugh. I wasn't used to the tight jeans with purposely placed gashes and fray. They're brand new and look to be years old. Apparently aged denim was a fashion statement - though I had no idea what statement it could possibly make.