He was back at my side in an instant, gently forcing me back down on the couch.

My voice was nervous again from being in his home. I wasn't prepared for the nerves to hit me like they were.

“I need to use your restroom."

"Oh, no problem." Then he scooped me back up, treating me like an infant. My eyes widened.


sp; "You're so not carrying me in there. I'm good to walk."

I could feel my face blushing deeply yet again. He smirked, now slightly blushing as well.

He spoke in a softer, less worried tone. "Okay, but I'm walking you to the door."

I stared at him, trying to figure out a way to sidestep the awkwardness. He noticed what I was thinking and spoke to me somewhat comically.

"I'm not going to stand at the door and listen to you do your business."

Oh this was so mortifying. "I just need a minute to compose myself before I meet the rest of your family." I started to finger-comb through my hair as I spoke. "I think it would be better if I didn't look like I was just drug through the woods."

"Whatever you say. You look good, considering how much you were tossed around." He leaned forward and caressed my cheek softly. "You're going to be okay, you know. I'll make sure of it."

He was so close to me. His body was discharging the most sensational heat I had ever felt before. It was like he had his own gravity field that pulled me in.

He leaned over and I prepared myself for whatever he was about to do. I started to close my eyes as he opened the door to a bathroom behind me. “Here it is."

I felt like a bit of a fool now.

"Oh, yeah, thanks."

He bit back a grin, but it was pointless. He finally walked away, laughing, and leaving me with my humiliation for thinking he was about to frigging kiss me.

He enjoyed making me squirm. I was sort of enjoying it, too. I just wish I didn't sound like a babbling goof all the time.

It suddenly hit me, and I grew incredibly nervous. I was about to meet his family. I'd never met any guy's family. Albeit this wasn't a date or anything. It was still gut-wrenching.

I tried to reason with myself, lessen the severity of the situation.

It's just a meeting with someone who's going to explain all the crazy to me. And it just happens to be his mother.

Nope. No better.

I fought off the panic attack that was begging to take hold of me. When I realized I was fighting a losing battle, I splashed cold water on my face. It was then I was thankful for Aster and Ash's thoroughness with the waterproof makeup. I looked bad enough without also looking like a raccoon.

I tamed down my hair that had been blown all over the place. I really regretted not changing out of my gym clothes at that moment.

I walked out of the bathroom and turned off the light. I exhaled loudly before I started walking back into the living room, and there they all were. They were all sitting, waiting, and staring at me. I felt so incredibly uncomfortable as they studied me, making me feel on display.

Tallis jumped up and walked over to me, snaking his arm around my waist to lead me to the smaller sofa, and then he sat down beside me. His arm slid across my shoulders, trying to help comfort me... I guessed. But it didn't help very much.

The pretty girl I saw with him at the restaurant was here - his sister. She walked over to me, and I suddenly felt so peaceful and comforted. She smiled warmly at me as serenity filled my veins.

Her hair was so blonde it was almost white. Her skin was flawlessly pale, but her cheeks were a perfect subtle light pink - an almost natural blush color. Her eyes were icy blue, the lightest blue I'd ever seen. Her slender body was cloaked with a white hooded cape. She wore a knee-length, white lacy dress under it.

She pulled off her hood as she walked away, resuming her place beside her mother.

Then a darker haired woman spoke in a very soft and warm sort of tone. "My name is Allaysia. I'm Tallis's mother, as I'm sure you've already guessed. Don't worry, you're safe here. They couldn't have tracked you. Tallis is good at spotting tails."