He talked about killing that guy as if it was an everyday occurrence. I still hadn't even tried to reconcile that part of the day in my mind yet. I was going to need more therapy than I'd ever be able to afford.

"So... can you disguise my scent?" I was starting to worry about being sniffed out again, which was evident in my tone.

He laughed, finding humor in my question for no real good reason. "No, I'm not a bodyguard, although I can slightly mask your essence when I'm close enough. I'm sort of just like you, but with a bit of a twist. You'll see."

Then I thought of how he reacted to me at the coffee shop. The man who smelled almost the same as this man... he was one of them. Tallis had thrown himself almost on top of me.

"Is that why you did that at the coffee shop? You already knew who I was, or what I am? What am I again?"

He smirked slightly as he replied. "Yes, that's why I did that at the coffee shop. If I'm close enough to you, I can mask your scent to a certain degree. I knew you were a witch, I just didn't realize that you were a Bradbury. Someone has been masking your blood smell as well. It's mixed with Weislen blood, so that dilutes the smell slightly. They've most likely masked your blood with a symbolta potion though."

"A symbolta potion?" I turned my nose up slightly.

He laughed... again. Glad I'm a one-girl comedy act.

"It's a tasteless liquid they most likely poured into your drink once a day. I use the same thing to mask my blood. The crest is liquefied and… well, it gets complicated."


I squinted slightly, regarding him curiously. "Why would you need to mask your blood?"

He smiled. "You aren't the only one with strong family connections. Sometimes, it's better to be safe than sorry. You have to try to smell blood. It takes concentration. I, however, don't like to leave things to chance, especially with so many of your coven around. If I had known you were a Bradbury, then I would've been a little more careful and not taken you to the coffee house. I would've just brought you to my house instead. I promise I didn't mean to put you in danger."

I shrugged slightly at his comment. "What does it a matter if I'm a Bradbury? How did you know I was… um... that?"

I couldn't bring myself to say witch. It almost seemed silly to use such a word.

"They kept you masked well at school, but I could tell

you had magic coursing through your veins. I'm a little different than most in the magical world. Not too many can do as I do.

"Everett is part of the magical community as well. Most likely a bodyguard, given his behavior and stature. The way he concentrated in the coffee shop gave him away. He was working hard to cover your scent completely. I knew I couldn't have masked you that well. That guy was far too close not to smell you without a strong guard nearby."

I ignored the last part. It was all becoming too overwhelming for me to digest. I went back to the part where people could smell me from thirty miles away. "What if they find us right now? What if they're following us?"

"Not likely. Those are protective marks." He pointed to the symbols that had piqued my curiosity since I'd gotten to the Bradbury Manor. "That's your family's crest. Anyone considered a part of the Bradbury coven is protected by it. It won't completely cover your scent once you've evolved - or inherited your powers, rather - but for now, it'll keep you safe. Only a slight bit of your essence escapes, however, I haven't sensed anyone close enough to track you, though your scent is still all over the woods.

"The crest only works in small places like this one, your house, and your yard. The ownership of something pushes the link to be stronger, and you can't own too much of a vast area or it weakens the crest. You can own a lot and crest a lot, however, it has to be in smaller clusters, as opposed to one massive area. It's the only safe way to do things."

I felt like I just flunked a class in school. It was too much.

Then he smiled really big for no obvious reason.

"By the way, Aria, you dropped this during the attack earlier. I picked it up for you while I was saving you…yet again." His shirt slid up slightly as he pulled something from the waist of his jeans. Then he continued speaking in an even more adorable, but teasing tone. "I guess I must have made quite the impression."

His cocky little smile was so smug as he handed me my sketchbook that I had been drawing on earlier. It had his face on the open page from where I had been sketching before the lanky man attacked me.

Yep. I wish the blonde monster had just killed me.

I felt like crawling under something... anything. I reached over and jerked my humiliating binding out of his hand. And then I found my self slinking down in my seat awkwardly. He chuckled at my expense, and my cheeks burned even hotter.

My sketchbook now smelled like him though. I'd never forget the fact it was touching his body.

"I have to admit, it was flattering to know how well you had my face memorized."

His tone grew to be even more teasing, and my embarrassment swallowed me whole. I had to change the subject before my beaming red face gave him anymore amusement.

"So, that's twice you've mentioned my grandmother's house and the story she told. I never saw you there during the big party." And I know I would have noticed you.