Physical contact with him always made this amazing fire within me blaze uncontrollably.

This time when he spoke, it wasn't teasing or mocking in the least. It was the same smoldering tone I had heard him use before, and it sent those delightful chills throughout me again. "I know a drive-in a couple of miles from your house. They usually play some pretty good movies. There's a diner not too far away. My treat, of course." Then he winked at me as a very cocky grin spread across his face.

It was all I could do just to be able to stand in an upright position at that moment. Of course now I was still unsure if it was a date or not. Even though I was blushing and trying not to giggle like, well... a schoolgirl, I was able to reply somewhat respectably.

"Sounds great," I muttered, an unstoppable lilt to my voice.

He slid his hand up my arm as he slowly backed away. "I better get back over there with the rest the guys, but we’ll sort out the details later," he said, leaving me burning with fever.

His touch could melt a glacier.

I was afraid if I said anything else I would burst out giggling and make a bigger idiot out of myself than what I already had. So instead, I just nodded and waved in agreement.

My smile faded quickly when Elaina finally seized her opportunity to approach me, her arms crossed in front of her. Her minion squad was right behind her, ready to surround their prey.

Elaina started giggling with her hyenas as they circled me. "So, Aria. How many guys have you slept with these first couple weeks? I think it's kind of pathetic, personally, to throw yourself at so many guys."

I could see Tallis and McKee staring in my direction. Tallis's eyes narrowed as Elaina relished my humiliation.

I was both livid and mortified.

"I haven't slept with anybody. And I'm not throwing myself at anyone either."

Elaina whispered almost threateningly to me. "Here's the deal. You're new here, so everyone wants to pet the new puppy... for now. But the truth is, you're absolutely nothing, and soon everyone else will see that, too."

She offered a fake smile to the coach when he looked our way, pausing her venomous threat and acting as though we were just two girls chatting about makeup. The second his attention veered, she returned to be the devil behind the mask.

"Stay out of my way, or life will be so much harder for you while you're here. I don't play nice. Find someone besides Tallis to play house with, or I swear you will dread every moment you have to come here for the rest of your high school experience. Got it?"

She rammed her shoulder into mine as she barged by to try and intimidate me even more. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't let everyone see me cry. Things were embarrassing enough as it was.

I couldn't let Elaina have my crying as icing on the sadistic cake she just served in front of everyone.

I ran out of the gym, completely devastated. Everyone had heard our confrontation, including Tallis. I could hear him talking to her as I propped up against the wall outside the gym.

Pity laced his tone as he scolded her. "Elaina, there's absolutely nothing you say that ever means anything to anybody. Leave Aria alone, and I mean it."

I heard some people laughing, poking fun of the bully Barbie. I decided to make a mad dash to the parking lot before anyone saw me.

Tallis chased me down before I could escape. His hands ran up my arms in a comforting way, though I felt all the pathetic pity rolling over his skin. It was so embarrassing for him to see me this way. I couldn't even enjoy his touch because of the reason he was offering it.

"Aria, are you okay? I can give you a ride if you need me to."

As much as I wanted to be with him, I didn't want him seeing me like this. "Thanks, but I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

Then I walked away as quickly as I could. I could feel him still watching me, so I was trying to hold back the tears which were begging to pour out after my ghastly humiliation.

I'd never encountered somebody so ruthless as Elaina. Still wearing my gym clothes, I hopped in my car.

I didn't care if I got in trouble or not. I couldn't stay there with everyone feeling sorry for me. I'm sure there were plenty of people laughing, too. The most embarrassing part was that Tallis felt sorry for me.

I pulled out of the school parking lot and stepped on the gas. It was the first time I ever felt like I had to run away from something. Little did I know, it was only the beginning.

Chapter 5

Fantasy meets Reality

What happens when the reality you knew was actually the fantasy all along?