He began packing up all of our work as he spoke. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. I just… I need to go. You should get home as well. I'm sure your parents are concerned. It's later than I realized."

I glanced at the clock, noticing it was only five-thirty. I wasn't sure what the big deal was. "It'll be fine if I get home around seven or seven-thirty. They realize this is an important part of my grade."

I really didn't want to leave him at all now. It almost physically hurt to think of leaving him. I felt so inexplicably desperate to be with him. It didn't make sense.

What's going on with me?

He continued packing everything up and stood to his feet. "No, we really should go. I have things I have to take care of."

I was starting to understand the whole mixed signals thing that girls my age were constantly complaining about. One second he grabbed me and held on to me in the most intense way, and the next he couldn't get away from me fast enough. His reasoning for doing such was vague and questionable. It felt like a blow-off. Guys really were just as confusing as I'd heard.

I wished I had heeded the warning.

I aimed for casual, but came off as tentative instead when I mumbled, "Okay, when should we… work on the-"

Before I could finish fumbling around for the right words, he answered the question I was intending to ask.

"Tomorrow." His answer was swift, and he deliberately avoided eye contact with me. Then his eyes changed, as did his tone, when he finally did make eye contact. "Your last name is Weislen, correct?"

I was almost offended by the fact he didn't seem certain of my last name. Now I was even more confused as I replied with a slightly defensive tone. "Yeah."

He nodded, but it seemed like he was confused by something himself. He didn't even take notice of the fact I had been offended.

"When did you and your parents move to town?"

I squinted my eyes in more confusion as I responded, "My parents haven't moved to town yet. I'm living with my grandmother."

The intensity in his eyes grew. They almost seemed to fill up with angst, and his tone made it seem as if he was worried about something.

"What's your grandmother's name?"


He was starting to irritate me with all the random questions. It was starting to feel like an interrogation. I answered him though. "Iris Nelson. She's the one with the Bradbury Manor."

He paled instantly, and fear washed over his eyes for reasons unbeknownst to me. After a spell of silence, he finally drew in a deep breath, and it appeared that he was full of dread.

"I know who she is." He paused for a second as he held the door open for me, ushering me out. "I'll follow you home to make sure you make it there safely."

His strange line of questioning and actions baffled me to no end. I was very confused by everything.



And that was it. He got in his Mercedes and followed me all the way to my gate. Tailing him was another car that followed us from the coffee shop. I could have sworn it was Everett.

As I pulled in the driveway, Tallis continued driving slowly until he passed me, staring into my eyes intensely as he did so.

Then he skidded around in the middle of the road and sped off back in the direction we had just come from. I wasn't sure why he wanted to follow me. The entire thing had exhausted my mind. The tailing car went on by, but I never caught a glimpse of the driver.

Everything had been fine until the smelly man walked in, then Tallis threw himself on me, and became insistent on making a hasty departure.

Nope. I still had no clue what happened.

I walked in and smelled food cooking. Iris greeted me, her warm smile genuine and soft.

"How was your study date, dear?" She seemed slightly worried. That too seemed odd.