As Mr. Johnson returned to his desk, we all began looking around the classroom for our partners. One by one, I was checking other people's packets, and each time I walked away, they seemed relieved the new girl wasn't going to be their partner.

I saw more and more people pairing up and heading towards Mr. Johnson’s desk. It was just me, a few other girls, and Tallis left. I was hoping he would be my partner, and at the same time, I was hoping he wouldn't be.

Knots curled up in my stomach and lumps began rising to my throat every time I thought of us alone for even a moment. I turned to look at one of the girls who seemed unwilling to approach me, and as I turned back around, Tallis was standing directly in front of me.

I could feel chills run up and down my body yet again, as his soft lips moved in an effort to speak to me.

"I'm number three. You?"

He reached his hand over to check the number on my packet when I failed to form words. It matched. We were together. Oh yes and oh no.

I could feel my heart flutter as he cracked a small grin at me. I was about to force out a reply, when I was rudely interrupted by the girl who had not wanted to approach me earlier.

She came up to us with a very obvious agenda. "Hey, Tallis."

She did everything she could to stand between Tallis and me. She didn't even acknowledge me as she continued speaking flirtatiously with him.

"So, I was going to come over here and find out what number you are. I thought maybe I could sweet talk someone out of the matching number. I don't know that I would trust anyone else in here with thirty percent of my grade."

She reached over to touch his hand. I was starting to feel awkward still standing there. I was frozen. I did know whether to leave or stay. I didn't want to give her my packet, but I knew I would if he asked me to.

He didn't seem too impressed by her brazen approach, which gave me a touch of hope. He leaned back so I was back in his line of view. Then he smiled at me slightly as he spoke to her, while keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"Sorry, Elaina. I already have a partner."

I could tell she wasn't exactly thrilled with his answer. However, she tried to play it off.

"I'm sure… she… wouldn't mind trading packets with me." She turned to face me to finally speak to me.

What do you know? I'm not invisible after all.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" she asked, playing coy.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "It's Aria."

She placed her body back between Tallis and me. This time she was facing me fully.

"Aria, I'm Elaina. I'm sure you wouldn't mind trading packets with me, would you? I really need Tallis for this project. I was hoping that since you don't really know anybody yet, you wouldn't mind working with someone else. Sound good?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. I was stuck. I didn't want him to know I liked him, but I also didn't want to leave him with her and lose my chance.

I tried to think quickly. Mr. Johnson was starting to become irritated by the amount of people still up. Genius struck.

"I'm afraid Mr. Johnson would get mad if he found out we were trading packets," I said a little louder than I had to, while trying to be subtle.

I glanced in his direction, hoping he would hear. Then I continued when I saw he was listening in. "I can't afford to make my teacher mad about something that could cost me thirty percent of my grade."

I tried not to smile as Mr. Johnson made his way over to us. I could tell he wasn't pleased. I could see a ghost of a smile etching itself onto Tallis's face. I wasn't sure if he was smiling because he knew what I was doing, or if it was because he liked what I was doing.

Please don't let him know what I'm doing, I thought.

Mr. Johnson had his hands on his hips as he stood behind the three of us. I looked over to see one last girl in the room without a partner.

His brow furrowed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Very irritably, he murmured, "What exactly is going on over here? There are four people left, and there're only two people per group." Then he looked at me. "Aria, what number are you?"

I tried not to smile as I replied, "Number three."

Then Mr. Johnson turned his gaze toward Tallis. "Now, Tallis, what number you?"