I still liked McKee as a friend, but there was something majestic about the way Tallis made me feel.

I noticed things were getting intense on the boys side of the court. Everyone else had started noticing, too, including the other girls. We stopped playing - even though I never touched the ball - and started watching.

McKee and Tallis seemed to have forgotten they were playing on teams. I'm not sure how, but it had become a game of one-on-one.

Tallis just grinned, taunting McKee, who looked incredibly frustrated. Tallis dribbled the ball between McKee's legs and scored on a lay-up.

McKee wasn't smiling like Tallis was. He was more intense, focused, like he was trying to prove something. He started dribbling past Tallis who took the ball away and sunk the ball from the three-point line effortlessly.

Tallis never quit smiling the whole time. Score after score, Tallis was embarrassing McKee even more than he had already been embarrassed.

Now I was irritated and slightly humiliated by McKee acting so possessive. I knew that was why Tallis was doing this to him. I could see some of the girls looking at me, like they were sizing me up, trying to figure out what was so special about me.

Stop looking. Nothing special.

Finally, the sound of a piercing whistle blew and the coach broke up the heated game. My shoulders rose as I lowered my head uncomfortably, still aware of all the judgmental eyes staring at me. It was so awful.

What a first day.

Tallis never looked at me again during gym class. McKee did though. Every time I looked at Tallis, McKee looked at me and smiled, doing his best to distract me.

One day in high school and already I was in some stupid, teen-age, soap opera, love triangle, drama fest. I liked the guy who didn't like me and didn't like the guy who did like me.

Great! I'm a normal American teenager.

I huffed in aggravation as I grabbed my gym bag. I didn't even change. I just ran out in my shorts and tee-shirt. I felt better in them than the clothes Ash and Aster made me wear anyway.

I let my hair down as I threw my stuff in my car. I was just ready for the day to be over, and I was certainly ready to be out of the spotlight. I didn't enjoy being the object of whispered conversations and scrutinizing eyes. Everyone would be talking about me even more after that.

Chapter 4

Mixed Signals

Precious opportunities are stolen away when one wastes too much time lost in hesitation.

I had been at school for almost two weeks now. Tallis was a little more standoffish toward me since the first day. I couldn't say I blamed him though.

McKee had become almost obsessed with my every movement. I found him to be a complete annoyance. Every time I even tried to approach Tallis, McKee was there to intercept me.

I was growing more and more frustrated with him everyday. He was relentless to stay by my side - day after day after day.

Tallis hadn't been speaking to me in economics. Of course, it was hard to speak during class, since that was prohibited... somewhat.

I caught him looking at me several times. I often fumbled around for something clever to say, but nothing ever came to my mind fast enough, and then those moments would be lost.

That class was the only time where McKee couldn't block me from him. Then finally, the break I needed presented itself.

Mr. Johnson, my economics teacher, stood in front of the class while smiling menacingly. One by one, we finished taking our seats. Tallis was the last to arrive. As he sat down in front of me, his wonderful scent engulfed me, stealing my sanity for a brief moment.

I was trying not to stare at the back of his head, yet again, when Mr. Johnson interrupted my thoughts.

His tone seemed to be laced with excitement, and there was a bit of a mischievous glow about him. "Good day, class. I hope everybody is ready for what I'm about to give you." He started walking from desk to desk, handing out small packets. Then he continued speaking, smiling the entire time. "Each one of you will receive a packet, and inside the packet is your assignment. This will account for thirty percent of your grade this semester."

Everyone in the class gasped nervously. He just smiled a little more, reveling in the suspense he was causing. More menace sparked in his eyes as he continued. "On the top right-hand corner of each packet, you will see a number. Find the person in the classroom whose number matches yours. That person will be your partner for this assignment.

"This should take you no more than two weeks to complete. At the end of the two weeks, I'll ask you to give a presentation. Get to know your partner, and let me know if you have any questions or problems. This person will mean a lot to your final grade. Use your class time wisely, but you'll still have to work on this at home some as well.

"These packets have been handed out at random, so I don't know who you will have for a partner. After you have found your partner, come to my desk so I can write both of your names down for the assignment you received. Each assignment is different as well, so no one will be tempted to cheat. And no exchanging packets so that you end up with someone you are buddies with. This isn't a socializing experiment."