“Get off me!” I scream.

“I don’t think I will.” He leers at me and reaches for my shorts. “I think I’ll make my first heir right here, right now.”

“No!” I scream and struggle, fighting him as best I can.

He grabs my broken arm and twists it.

I scream so loud and hard I taste blood.

“You’re going to give me everything, Evie. Starting with your dirty cunt. I know you let Lucius have it. I’m not dumb. But I’m going to split you in two, so you always know I’m the one who owns you.”

“Stop!” I press my thighs together as hard as I can as he yanks my shorts down.

“Um, Charles?”

“What?” he barks at the woman from earlier who’s appeared in the doorway.

“The motion detectors just went off. Someone’s in the garden by the fountain.”

“Which one?” he asks.

“My courtyard. The one with the cherubs.” She keeps her eyes on the floor. “You told me to tell you if—”

“Go,” he orders.

She disappears as he climbs off me.

“When I get back, you’d better be naked with your legs spread. If you aren’t, I’ll break your other arm.” He stomps out and slams the door.



I have to start somewhere. The Corrigan mansion is dark, none of the bright lights and milling crowd that it was just a few weeks ago. I wonder if they buried poor Beau Corrigan somewhere on the grounds. Likely.

Jumping the fence at the back of the property, I make my way through the fragrant gardens in the fading afternoon light. Evie’s been missing for hours. Each moment that ticks by, the more worry eats away at me. This kind of fear isn’t something I’m used to. I’m always doing some sort of violent, vicious shit, and I have no qualms about any of it. But now, when it’s Evie’s life on the line, it’s a completely different sensation. It’s nothing short of terror.

I crouch low as I enter one of the courtyards with a fountain. There have to be at least half a dozen all around the house. I lean against it and peer up at the house.

My sources said the only one here is Beau’s widow. I’m going to find her and get her to tell me where her freak of a nephew is. Time’s wasting, but still I wait by the fountain. Something is off. The hair on my arms is standing on end as I try to see through the windows for any sign of life.

I creep forward, around the side of the fountain, and get a better look through the windows. Everything inside is dark and silent, as if this place is a museum that’s closed to visitors.

I can’t spare another second, so I stand and stride toward the nearest window.

“I was wondering if you’d show up. How’d you find me?”

I whirl and find Charles walking toward me from the rear of the house.

“Where is she?” I pull my pistol and aim it at him. “Let me see your fucking hands.”

“She belongs to me now. As Sovereign, I take what I want.” He holds his hands up.

“You aren’t the Sovereign.”

“I’m not?” He smiles. “But seriously, how’d you find me?”

“You’re the typical idiot who goes right back to the scene of the crime. It’s actually so fucking stupid—so fucking stupid—that I didn’t even expect you to be here. I gave you too much credit, you hulking buffoon. I was looking for Beau’s widow.”

“Ah.” He frowns. “I see. Well, I suppose that’s good luck on my part. Getting rid of you right off the bat will show the others I’m the real deal.”

“After what you pulled, they aren’t going to back you.”

“You sure about that?” He puts one finger down.

I feel the searing pain in my leg before I hear the crack of the gun. “Fuck!” I drop to one knee, my left calf on fire.

He shakes his head. “The famous Lucius Vinemont. Look at you now. Not so tough without your brothers, are you?”

“I’m plenty tough, asshole. Come closer and find out.” I keep my gun aimed at him.

“Honestly, I should thank you. Your family broke all the rules. You were the forerunners for me. I did the same and took my place as Sovereign. I have the backing of the most important society members, and the ones who don’t want to go along?” He shrugs. “They’ll get buried in a mass grave right beside you and your family.”

“If you think you have any chance against my family, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.” I grit my teeth against the pain and get back to my feet.

“I don’t think so. It was so easy to get Evie. She’s here, you know? Upstairs in a bedroom, waiting for me to put a baby in her.”

“Not going to happen.” I aim for his face.

Another bullet rips through me, this time through my right arm. I pull the trigger as my aim falters. I drop the gun, then start to reach for my blade with my left hand, but I stop. And wait.