“You think this is manhandling?” He licks his lips and glances at mine. “I’d like to show you what real manhandling feels like, Evie. Would you like that?”

“Considering I find you repulsive and haven’t even bothered to get your name, I don’t think I would.”

His grip tightens. “That aristocratic mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble. You can call me Sir or Charles.”

I give a bored sigh. “If we’re done here, I have a party to get to.”

“My car’s out front.” He finally steps back from me.

“How nice for you.” I pull my fob from my bag. “I’ll be driving myself.”

“You know, the Sovereign warned me you’d be difficult, that you’d think you could somehow avoid your responsibilities and buck our claim to you.” He leans closer. “But I told him I can handle you.”

“That’s a cute story. Excuse me.” I try to move past him.

He doesn’t let me go. “Oh, Evie.”

The way he says my name makes my hackles rise. Then with a force that makes my teeth rattle, he slams my back against the wall by the elevator bank. It takes my breath away, and he cages my neck with his meaty palm.

“Now you’re going to walk out of here on my arm and get into my waiting car. No more talking. No more bullshit, Evie. You will not embarrass me tonight.”

“You’re doing that fine all by yourself.” I struggle to get the words out, but I do.

His nostrils flare, and his grip tightens. “You stupid bitch.”

The doorway to the stairs opens. “Oh, pardon me, I didn’t realize the room was taken.”

I make a small noise that gets caught in my constricted throat, because I know that voice. I know it so well that I hear it when I’m alone, when I’m asleep, when I’m daydreaming.

The man releases me the moment Lucius’s fist collides with his face.

I gasp for breath as Charles goes down, his body hitting the tile floor with a hard thump. He’s large, like a roided-out prize fighter. But Lucius is fast.

Lucius jumps on top of him, his fists flying. The sounds of impact make my stomach churn, but Lucius doesn’t stop. He’s on fire, his animal rage and power on full display.

Though it takes a massive effort, Charles finally throws him off, then both men get to their feet. They circle each other, fists up, as I back away.

“Vinemont trash.” Charles spits a wad of blood onto the floor.

Someone opens their apartment door just down the hall, then quickly slams and locks it when they get a look at what’s happening.

“At least I don’t go around telling people to call me sir.” Lucius sneers. “Douche move.”

Charles lunges forward, but his fist misses Lucius, and he swings wildly. Lucius lands a vicious punch to his lower back, and Charles staggers past me. I stick my foot out, and when he trips and starts to fall, Lucius shoots me a grin.

“Nice.” He follows Charles to the ground again, turns him over, and lands blow after blow on his face. “This is for the bruises. For touching her. For hurting her. For thinking you could control her.” He punctuates each statement with pure violence.

Split-lipped and bloody-nosed, Charles bucks him again, and Lucius rolls away, then jumps to his feet with feline quickness.

“I own her.” Charles points at me and spits more blood. “If you try to take her from me, I’ll make sure you suffer.”

“Are you threatening me?” Lucius shakes his head, his fists still up. “Maybe you should’ve tried that before I kicked your ass. At this point, it just sounds kind of hollow, you know?”

I’ve backed into the elevator doors, tucking myself against them. I left my pistol at home, even though I didn’t want to, because there’s no way I would’ve been allowed into the party with a weapon. Now I’m wishing I’d tried it anyway.

“It’s not a threat, Vinemont. It’s a fact. Evie is my property.”

“Fuck you!” I yell it before I even know what I’m doing.

Lucius grins. “I don’t think she agrees with your claim, sir.” He glances my way. “Is this the one who bruised you?” His tone turns feral at the end, as if he already knows the answer and doesn’t like it one bit.

I nod.

“It doesn’t matter. She’s mine, and once I’ve killed you, I’ll go to work on the rest of your family.”

“Excellent game plan,” Lucius taunts. “Too bad you’re failing so miserably at step one.”

Charles jabs. Lucius ducks, then slams his fist into Charles’s midsection.

The brute lets out an oof noise and stumbles back again.

“This is fun. Don’t get me wrong.” Lucius reaches inside his coat—only now do I realize he’s wearing a tux—and pulls out a blade. “But I have somewhere to be, and I hate to keep my stunning date waiting.” He throws me a glance.