An icy trickle of worry slides down my spine. I snap out of my bloodlust and return my gaze to the window.


He’s gone.



I weave through the trees at the edge of my lawn, my pistol up and ready. That feeling of being watched grew a little too heavy—or perhaps I needed a little energy release after that phone call with my brother Sin—so I decided to try and get the drop on my ghost.

If Sin had only listened to me when I said I didn’t want to take our company public, we wouldn’t be in this one of our many messes. But now we’ve got sharks circling us, trying to take down the sugar empire our mother built. I let out a deep breath and focus on the here and now. My tension falls away as I skirt the lawn in the dark. The ghost is here, a spectral form that teases the edge of my senses.

I should’ve let it go, drank myself into a stupor, gone to bed. Instead, I came ghost-hunting. Tension relief. Besides, it’ll be fun to have another captive in my basement. Give soggy Leonard some company.

Keeping my steps as silent as possible, I circle around to the spot where I suspect the ghost is waiting. The moon gives just enough light for me to follow a slight trail toward an old oak. Bent grass and the edge of a shoeprint sit in a boggy spot next to the roots. Someone’s been here, but they’re gone now.

I lower my weapon but keep it handy as I scour the area for any clues. Nothing remains, except the scant evidence on the ground. It’s too dark to follow the trail deeper into the trees, but I suspect he’s parking a car on the dirt road that cuts through the property just to the south of mine, then walking here.

I take a deep breath to smooth away my frustration. Why can’t I be patient like old Casper? If he saw me coming, he won’t be back to this spot. I’ve spooked the ghost. Shit.

Resting against the oak tree with the trampled ground, I peer at my house. From here, he can see everything. Not that I care. If someone wants to come for me, they know where to find me. It’s not hard. I relish a fight, and confrontation has always looked good on me. But I’m not stupid. The house has enough security to please any paranoia enthusiast. Even so, I still run to a fight. Here I am, in the woods like a rash fool. I turn to leave.

A twig breaking catches my attention, and without thinking, I dart deeper into the woods, running toward my ghost with my gun at the ready. Footsteps sound ahead. He’s running. I grin, because I know these woods better than anyone, and I can find him even in the dark. I follow the footfalls, racing to catch up, but then they stop.

I stop, too. He’s gone to ground—hiding behind a tree or hunkering under a thorny thicket. I’m breathing hard, but I’m not winded. I swallow the cool air and scan through the leafy saplings and climbing brambles.

“I know you’re here.” I rest my hand on a tree trunk. “And I’ll get you soon enough.”

“Not if I get you first.” A woman’s voice that’s far too close behind me.

I whirl to find the ghost, her gun aimed at my heart. A black ski mask covers her face, but there’s no doubt in my mind she’s all woman based on the way her dark jacket and jeans hug her curves. Don’t they say that people in life-or-death situations always stare at the gun? Right at the barrel? Not me, apparently. I stare at the woman holding it.

“Drop your gun.” She squares her stance as if she’s at a shooting range.

“You first.” I smile but don’t raise my weapon. I’m curious to see how this goes. A little danger can be the best aphrodisiac.

“I’m not kidding, asshole.” Her accent is local. She’s from here, or at least nearby.

“Okay.” I take a step toward her.

She doesn’t move. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“Why not?”

“Because if you come any closer, I’ll drop you. I didn’t want to kill you tonight. Not yet. But you had to go and get nosy.”

“Sounds like you’re going to have to shoot me no matter what.”

Her eyes narrow, though I can’t tell their color in the shadows of her mask. “You want me to kill you?”

“Don’t flatter yourself. You have no idea how many have tried to take me out. Each one has failed. Though I admit, you’re the first woman.” I try to glimpse her hair, but she has it tied up beneath the mask. “I should’ve known anyone as patient as you had to be a woman. I only wish I’d seen you sooner.” My gaze travels down her body once again. Damn, even in black, in the dark—she’s stacked. “Just look at you.”