The look in my eyes must say it all. The edges of his lips quirk just a bit as his fingers tighten around my scalp as if to guide me along his length. His gaze stays locked on mine as his muscles stiffen.

A long, guttural groan explodes from him as a burst of saltiness hits the back of my throat. My mouth turns voracious as I keep up a constant pressure until he finally softens. Only then do I pull away and kiss the tip. Before I can catch my breath, Brayden reaches down, lifting me from my knees and pressing me against the broad expanse of his naked chest. His lips crash onto mine, kissing me as he thrusts his tongue inside my mouth.

He pulls away enough to growl, “You taste just like me. Do you have any idea how sexy that is?”

And then he’s back to devouring me. It’s enough to make my head spin. There’s a heated look in his eyes as he places me on the bed. His fingers go to my shirt, peeling it away from my body before he makes quick work of removing the jeans.

“Turnabout is only fair play, don’t you think?”

Actually, I couldn’t agree more.

Before I can blink, every stitch of clothing has disappeared. His movements still as his gaze roves greedily over me, touching upon every dip and rise. It’s strange to think that this is the first time Brayden has seen me naked when I’ve studied him on multiple occasions for hours at a stretch. I’ve scrutinized every slab of muscle and contour of his form. I could close my eyes and sketch every single inch of him.

“How are you this gorgeous?”

The tightly muttered compliment sends a thrill of pleasure through me. His words should be meaningless, but it’s obvious they’re not.

We both agreed that this is just sex.

Nothing more.

A perk of our fake relationship.

As he moves between my spread thighs, his warm breath drifts across my core. A shiver of anticipation slides down my spine as his tongue dances over me before spearing inside.

Pleasure gathers inside me as a whimper escapes. It won’t take much to push me over the edge. I’m already so turned on by taking him in my mouth.

That’s a first for me.

His hands fasten on my inner thighs, pushing them further apart before worshipping every delicate inch. He licks from the bottom of my slit to my clit, lavishing me with so much attention that holding back the orgasm becomes impossible, and, within seconds, I find myself coming undone beneath his talented mouth.

Before I can blink, he’s crawling up my body and settling on top of me. His mouth crashes against mine, his tongue thrusting inside to tangle with my own. The taste of my arousal floods my senses and heightens my desire.

My breath catches at the back of my throat when his thick cock settles at my entrance. Even though I came just moments ago, another wave of need crashes over me, threatening to drag me to the bottom of the ocean.

Just as he’s about to thrust inside me, he pauses.

“I need a condom.” His voice is strung so impossibly tight, it could snap at any moment.

Oh my god. How could I forget about protection? I’m a safety girl. At least, I usually am. This just goes to show how crazy this guy makes me.

When I nod, he rolls away. His feet hit the floor before he hastily searches through his pile of clothing for his wallet and grabs a small packet. With deft fingers, he rips into the square before sheathing himself in latex. And then he’s back, taking up his position between my spread legs.

It only takes one sharp thrust before he’s filling me to the brim. Less than a dozen strokes later and his muscles tighten. The moment he arches, a growl leaves his lips as I follow him over the precipice. My body convulses, milking every last drop from him until he collapses on top of me.

No matter what I thought sex with Brayden would be like, I could never have imagined how spectacular it would feel.

Unwilling to dwell on those thoughts, I squeeze my eyes tightly shut. No matter what this is between us, I’ll enjoy it for as long as it lasts. And when it’s over, I’ll walk away with my emotions firmly intact.

Shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Chapter Twenty-One


I’m cruising through the Union, mentally going over the list of bullshit that needs to get checked off before the end of the day. I’ll tell you what, the grind never ends. After an early morning lift, I hit the showers and got dressed before hauling ass to two classes. One of my business professors was considerate enough to surprise us with a pop quiz.


It took every bit of brain power to dredge up the answers and get them onto paper.