“We were kissing. I thought that would be obvious, but if you need further demonstration, I would be more than happy to provide it.”

I huff out a shaky breath as some of the sexual fog clouding my better judgment dissipates. “That’s not what I meant.” There’s a pause before pointing out, “We’re alone. There’s no need to put on a show.”

His hand is still wrapped around the back of my skull. He drags me closer until his forehead is able to rest against mine. Only then do I realize how labored his breathing has become. “Is that what you think? That I’ve been putting on a show?” Before I can react, he says, “I assure you that any time I’ve kissed you, putting on a show was the least of my concerns. I kissed you because I wanted to.” The fire that flares to life in his eyes nearly singes me alive. “It’s the only thing I can think about.”

With that, his lips slant over mine. First one way, then the other. They’re as soft as a butterfly wing. I find myself anticipating the next angle and preparing for it until I’m once again a full participant in what’s unfolding between us.

“I’ve spent months thinking about your mouth,” he confesses in a rough tone. “Wondering what you would taste like. The way it would feel to explore it at my leisure. Don’t you want that, too?”



I don’t know. Everything feels so much more complicated than it did an hour ago.

When I fail to reply, he murmurs against my mouth, “Doesn’t this feel good?”

Of course it does.

Although I’m of the mindset that just because something feels pleasurable, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a great idea.

“Is there any reason this can’t be more?” he whispers, continuing to stroke my lips.


What kind of more?

“I want you, Sydney,” he says as if to confirm the questions zipping around in my head. “And I’m pretty sure you want me, too.”

It would be ridiculous for me to even attempt to deny it. Not after we’ve been making out for fifteen minutes in the front seat of his truck.

“Just because I want you, it doesn’t make sleeping together a good idea.”

“It certainly doesn’t make it a bad one.”

I blow out a steady breath. “It’ll only complicate matters.”

“It doesn’t have to.” His thumb rises to stroke over my lower lip. Back and forth it strums until I want to nip at it with my teeth.


“It’s just sex, Sydney. We can do whatever we want. We can make up the rules as we go. We’re both adults here.”

When he closes the distance between us, my palms land against the solid strength of his chest to hold him at bay. It becomes difficult to think when his mouth is gliding over mine. Even though it’s so tempting to curl my fingers into the soft cotton of his T-shirt and drag him closer, I resist the urge.

“I should go.” My body is clamoring for me to stay and make out with him, but I know exactly what that will lead to. Brayden isn’t like the other guys I’ve been with. He rouses too much intensity within me to not tread lightly.

“Are you sure about that?” The hungry look in his eyes tells me exactly what he’s thinking. And it would be so easy to give in and invite him upstairs. Somehow, I know that sex with Brayden would be good.

Oh, who am I kidding?

It would probably be mind blowing.

But I also realize that it’ll mess with my head, and that’s the last thing I need. I’ve got enough shit to figure out to invite further complications.

And Brayden is nothing if not a complication. Only recently have I managed to untangle myself from one relationship. The last thing I need to do is get sucked into whatever the hell this is. We’re not involved.

It would be sex, pure and simple.

Unable to push the answer past my lips, I jerk my head into a tight nod and yank on the handle until the door flies open and I nearly tumble sideways. Brayden snaps forward, both hands wrapping around my shoulders to stop my descent.

We stare for a handful of heartbeats before I clear my throat. His fingers unlock from around me as I slide from the truck onto unsteady legs.

His gaze rakes over my body, nearly setting me to flame. “Have I mentioned how good you look wearing my sweatshirt?”

“Oh.” I’d almost forgotten. I tug at the material. “Did you want it back?”

He shakes his head. “Nope. I’ll get it from you another time. It’s not like I don’t know where you live.”

“All right.” I raise my hand in an awkward wave before hustling to the front entrance. When I glance over my shoulder, Brayden is still idling in the parking spot, watching me through the windshield. He might not be actively pursuing me, but that’s exactly what it feels like.