“Eventually, maybe.” He shrugged before handing me the lightbulb so he could climb the ladder. “Saving so much money on rent, I was able to invest in the tavern with Mason and Logan. But I’ve got ideas if I ever find the right property for myself.”

“Oh? Hunting trophy décor?” My gaze was locked on his meaty ass. The combination of how competent he was with the job at hand and his attractiveness made me all warm and loose, like one of his cocktails. It was fun to tease, but it was only too easy to imagine cozy images of house-hunting with Adam and how he’d be amazing at turning a house into an actual home.

“Don’t knock a nice set of antlers. Ambiance.” Reaching down, he accepted the lightbulb from me.

“Ha.” I laughed.

“Yoo-hoo!” a voice called from the driveway.

Breaking away from ogling Adam’s ass, I turned to see his mom walk into the garage. She carried a covered dish and was dressed in a T-shirt advertising her B&B. Her swept-back, faded auburn hair and curvy figure made her look younger than the late fifties she probably was.

Smiling as she approached us, she looked up at Adam. “I thought I saw a car here, but not your truck. Heard your voice though.”

“Yeah. I wanted to get this done before tomorrow for you.” Adam’s tone was conversational as he concentrated on positioning the new lightbulb. “What happened to the East Coast reservation you needed to be here for?”

“Delayed flight.” She made a dismissive gesture with her free hand. “And you left your casserole on the counter. Figured you might want it for breakfast.”

“Thanks. It smelled amazing. I appreciate it.” Finishing with the light, he gave his mom an appreciative grin as he climbed off the ladder.

“There’s enough to share.” Her speculative look made me want to shrink into the shadows. Clearly, she hadn’t missed the way I’d been eating Adam up with my eyes when she’d arrived.

“Mother.” Adam’s tone was fondly exasperated. “And Quinn, you probably know my mom, Patsy.”

“Doctor.” Her eyes flashed before she set the dish on the nearby workbench. She extended a hand. “I’m not sure we’ve had the pleasure of a formal introduction.”

I shook her hand. “Probably means you kept healthy this winter.”

“I try. I’m healthy as a horse, no matter what this one thinks.” She waved a hand in Adam’s direction. “He’s banned me from ladders.”

“What happens when you climb one?” Automatically, my tone became professional.

“Oh, nothing to worry about. I get a little lightheaded. That’s all. Probably just getting older. Happens if I stand up too fast as well, so I just take it a little slower these days.”

I didn’t agree with her assessment that it was nothing worth worrying about. “When was the last time you had your blood pressure taken?”

“Hmm. Fall, maybe? The nurse insisted before I got my flu shot.”

“How about you stop by the clinic some day this week and let our PA do a quick check on your numbers?” I suggested. The physician assistant at our urgent care clinic handled routine preventative-care appointments. “We’re often pretty slow in the afternoons, or you can call for a time if you don’t want to wait as a walk-in. It should be a fast appointment, and you don’t want to ignore those symptoms.”

“I don’t need a checkup.” She wrinkled her nose.

“You’re going.” Returning from stowing the ladder, Adam broke out his stern voice for her. He certainly could be plenty authoritative when he wanted to be. “You can either tell the nice doctor yes, or I’ll take you myself.”

“You don’t need to trouble yourself.” Not cowed by Adam’s command, she patted his cheek. “If it puts your mind to rest, I’ll go in.”

Their strong bond was obvious with every exchange, and I saw why Adam was so ready to help her. In addition to being a pleasant person to be around, she also seemed to utterly adore him.

“Thank you.” Adam and I both spoke at the same time, and Patsy gave a girlish laugh.

“So…” She drew the word out as she looked between us. “Are you doing house calls now, Doctor? Or…”

“Mother,” Adam groaned. “Quinn’s a friend. I’m helping him with a painting project.”

That was technically the truth and a far better explanation than what we were actually up to.

“Oh, how nice.” Her tone was overly bright, the sort of encouraging mom tone that made me more than a little wistful. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you both to it.”

“Thanks for the food, Mom. I’ll bring the dish back later in the week.” Adam gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking her out to the driveway.

“Sorry,” he said as he returned to me. “She means well, even if she is nosy.”

“She’s fine. Make sure she actually follows up with getting her blood pressure checked.”