“Maybe.” Linc lightly bit his ass before peeling down Jacob’s briefs, mouth following the path of his fingers.

“You don’t have to—oh, fuck.” Whatever gallant protest he’d been about to make died on a rush of pure pleasure as Linc spread his ass, wasting no time in attacking Jacob’s rim.

“You were saying?” Chuckling darkly, Linc pulled back long enough to ask.

“Didn’t mean that kind of work. Damn.”

Linc didn’t even let him finish his thought before he was back, teasing and torturing him with his lips and tongue. Jacob had played around with rimming before, but never with someone who seemed so determined to make it a fucking meal. For all his humbleness, Linc clearly knew what he was doing with this, flicking and licking and sucking.

“Linc. Fuck. Linc.” Jacob wasn’t even aware that his hips were rocking until the friction on his dick went from pleasant to oh-fuck good seemingly in the space of seconds. But the hoarseness in his throat said Linc had probably been at it awhile, him moaning and shamelessly humping the bed the whole time.

“Stop,” he managed to grit out. “Stop. Gonna come.”

“Fine. Take all my fun.” Sitting back on his heels, Linc dug around in Jacob’s drawer, coming up with the lube and condoms. “Damn. You’re fucking sexy that way. Tempted to get you off with nothing other than my mouth.”

“But you won’t.” Jacob wasn’t above whining. Or begging. “Fuck me. Please.”

He bumped his hips up, trying to make his point, but Linc pinned him to the mattress. “I do the work, remember?”

“Yeah.” Fuck but Linc pushy like this, all dominating, was the sexiest thing ever. And it was way more intense this way, flat on his front, letting Linc move him around, no choice but to take whatever it was Linc wanted to give him. It was tighter too, even after all that rimming, Linc’s lubed fingers feeling broader than usual.

Breathing deep, he tried to relax into the stretch. Even after having done this together a few times now, this was the part he still wasn’t crazy about, the needing to let his body adjust. The actual fucking was glorious. But the getting there made him impatient, made him want to rush.

He tried again to push back. “You can—”

“Nope.” Linc held him firmly in place. “We do this my way.”

“You’re getting off on this power trip,” he complained, even as he kind of did love Linc like this.

“Hey, you’re the one who needs to rest up,” Linc said right as his fingers connected with Jacob’s gland and oh-fucking-kay, all the waiting and adjusting was worth it.

“Just fuck me,” he begged, all chill lost in a rush of blinding need and want.

“Mmm. That’s more like it.” Linc’s voice was like the purr of a classic car, the seductive sound of a lot of horsepower about to get unleashed.

Jacob had something to say about arrogant, bossy men, but whatever flip response he’d been planning fled as Linc shifted, condom-covered cock dragging along Jacob’s ass, teasing. Then the blunt pressure at his rim made him gasp.

“Easy.” Linc ran a hand down Jacob’s back, easing forward slowly, giving Jacob almost too much time to adjust.

“Just go,” he urged. Somehow the more Linc took his time, the more he took care of Jacob, the harder it was to focus on the fuck, the harder it was to convince himself that the fuck was all there was. Soft touches and murmured praise felt perilously close to affection, and affection was too close of a cousin to everything he’d ever wanted from Linc.

“We’ll get there.” Not surprisingly, Linc didn’t listen to his pleas, continuing to work in with shallow thrusts that stole Jacob’s breath. Finally, Linc’s balls brushed his ass, and they both moaned. The position itself was as intense as all the emotions it inspired, every nerve ending sensitive, body tight even as the angle let Linc go deep, every stroke nailing his gland.

“Fuck.” He wanted to fuck back, get more of that delicious pressure, but Linc held him fast. This level of letting go was something new, nothing to do but lie there, taking everything Linc wanted to give him, completely at his mercy. And hell if that wasn’t a metaphor for his whole damn life. But at a certain point, he stopped holding back, gave in to the urge to meld into the sensations, feather in the wind, along for the ride, no longer trying to control it.

Above him, Linc was groaning and muttering praise, sounds almost as arousing as his thrusts. He’d never come from fucking without a hand on his cock, but the more the tension in his muscles built, the more likely it seemed that the friction against the sheet was going to be enough.

“Oh, fuck. I think I can...” He more than half expected Linc to tell him no, make him wait, but Linc made a satisfied growl, speeding up.