He didn’t let the rush of free-falling distract him from the proper body positioning they’d been practicing, the arch of torso critical to maintaining stability, ready this time for the jerk back of the parachute as it deployed from the static line, then following the radio commands as he guided the parachute to the landing zone. Everything went from model-train-set tiny to larger than life rapidly, barely enough time to take in the scattered buildings below, the forest stretching beyond that. The whole enterprise took a matter of minutes—days of buildup to mere seconds really. But wow, the rush of adrenaline and satisfaction really was something, and the high lingered even as he did the remainder of his duties for the day. He wasn’t intentionally slow, but his crew had heaped a lot of fiddly tasks on him, so he was one of the last to leave the facility, only a few vehicles left in the parking lot.

And somehow he’d known, known the whole time he was floating down to earth and then stowing gear and doing end-of-the-day chores, that Linc would be here, waiting by his truck. Linc’s own truck was conveniently three spaces over. He’d parked in the back of the lot again, by the trees, out of view of the facility, but still rather open for an argument if that’s what Linc was spoiling for.

“So.” Linc regarded him coolly. “You didn’t die. Or fuck up.”

“There is that.” He met Linc’s gaze, didn’t waver. What was it going to take for Linc to believe in him, really believe that Jacob could do this? Not having an answer to that made his back muscles tense and his voice testy. “Ray was a good spotter. No problems there. Well, other than the fact that he seems to be under the impression that I once had a hopeless crush on you.”

A sputtering noise escaped Linc’s pursed lips, expression damn near priceless, all wide-eyed horror. “He what?”

“I know. That was my reaction too, only inside. Man. Your face.” He had to laugh, keep from flipping out like Linc. “I kept it cool in front of him, but what the hell? He even warned me to not get hung up on you again.”

“As far as advice goes that ain’t terrible.” Rubbing his jaw, Linc looked away. He didn’t seem particularly shocked by the crush thing, only that Ray had known, not that Jacob had expected anything different. He had been damn obvious when he’d first returned from Vegas. And afterward too, the years that followed, all his flirting and innuendo, not all of it as private as it probably should have been. It was easy to forget sometimes that this was a small town and people talked. “He say anything else worth noting?”

“That we need to get along. Apparently, I’m being a pain in the ass.”

“He’s not wrong there either.” Linc breathed hard, like he was working overtime to convince himself this was no big deal. But Jacob wasn’t having any of Linc shoving all the blame on him.

“Come off it. You know damn well I’m not the entire reason things are weird. It’s not all on me being stubborn.”

“No, it’s not.” Exhaling like he’d just been gut punched, Linc slid in closer, stealing the last of Jacob’s oxygen as he yanked him close, bringing their mouths together.

Their last kiss had been tense from the start, grief-fueled, regrets seeping in even while they were still lip-locked. This wasn’t that.

No, it was raw and hungry and more than a little angry, like Linc wanted to use his mouth to extract something from Jacob. Maybe a promise to be nicer. Or to give up smoke jumping. Something. It was impossible to think with Linc kissing him so thoroughly that it was a wonder there weren’t scorch marks in the gravel at their feet. It was coffee and cinnamon and a hot, questing tongue that sought to singe his every last nerve ending until all he could do was gasp and hold on.

“Jesus, Linc,” he managed when Linc finally let him up for air. “Were you that damn sure that I was going to fuck up the jump?”

“No. I...uh...” Linc stepped back, looking down at his hands like they’d betrayed him, reaching for Jacob. “Not sure what the hell came over me. Sorry. That... Damn. That was inexcusable. Sorry.”

“Well, could it come over you back at your place?” Even though his mind was still spinning, Jacob put on a light smile. Maybe... “For a not-out guy who wants no drama on his crew you sure know how to take a risk.” Gesturing at the nearly empty parking lot, he licked his lips, tasting Linc there.

He’d expected Linc’s recoil, so it didn’t hurt, much, when Linc stalked several paces away, looking stricken. “Fuck. I didn’t mean... This is why it’s crazy, us working together. The things you do to me...”