Page 37 of Sidequest for Love

Neil laughed again, and again, I loved the sound of it. “Right, well, I’ll give her a heads up that you’re planning on going. Hopefully, that way, we’ll be able to avoid any fainting.”

“Hopefully. Good luck with your lads’ night,” I said, though somewhere deep down, I didn’t entirely mean it. The idea of Neil hooking up with a random woman didn’t sit well with me at all. God, I really needed to get a handle on this silly crush. Maybe if he’d quit being so adorably self-deprecating, I could manage it.

“Thanks,” he said, a hint of foreboding in his voice. “I need all the luck I can get.”


The bar Callum selected was too loud, too busy, and far too stylish for my liking. I would’ve much preferred a quiet little pub somewhere, but Cal insisted I’d have a better chance of meeting someone in a place like this.

Actually, if I were being honest, I’d much rather be back in my hotel room video chatting with Afric.

“Can you get your head in the game?” Callum asked, nudging me with his elbow where we sat by the bar drinking our pints. “You look a million miles away.”

“Sorry. I was just thinking about work,” I lied.

“Well, that’s the first thing you need to knock on the head. You’re already in danger of becoming a workaholic. Don’t let it cock block you, too.”

“Didn’t you say Paul was going to join us?” I asked in an effort to change the subject.

“Yeah, he begged off, though. I think he’s got some secret hook-up going on here in New York. He’s been disappearing every night this week and won’t tell anyone where he’s going.”

“Definitely sounds like he’s seeing someone,” I agreed. “What about Leanne? Does she mind you going to a bar without her?”

“No, she thought it was a great idea. You know Leanne loves you, and she’s well aware I wouldn’t stray.” He paused, eyeing me a moment as he took a sip of his drink. “She did mention something about a girl back home who you’ve been texting.”

Right. I’d forgotten Leanne caught me sending selfies to Afric that day. “Yes, I have been texting someone, but she’s just a friend. It isn’t romantic.”

“You sure about that?”

No, especially not if she really is the woman from my hazy sex dream.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Good. That means we can put operation ‘Get Neil Laid’ into action. Have you seen anyone you like?”

I gave the bar occupants a cursory glance. The place was full of attractive women, but I just wasn’t interested. I wasn’t sure if it was due to a fear of being turned down or because my thoughts were already focused on someone else.

Worryingly, that someone wasn’t Annabelle. I still hadn’t messaged her back, and I feared she might be angry at me, or well, angry at fake Callum, but I just couldn’t think of what to say to her, how to let her down gently. I’d realised that I wasn’t as invested in meeting her as I had been the day I confessed everything to Afric in the empty cinema. The day she’d promised to help me. She hadn’t wanted anything in return at the time. Was that because she found my predicament entertaining, or because she just genuinely wanted to do something nice for a stranger?

“Not yet,” I finally replied, turning my attention back to Callum.

“Well, sit up straight and at least try to act a bit more confident. There’s nothing women find more attractive than confidence.”

“I’ll try,” I told him, lifting my head and straightening my shoulders just as a pretty blonde appeared at Callum’s side.

“Hey, my friends and I were just talking about how awesome your tattoos are,” I heard the blonde exclaim.

“Thanks. Very kind of you to say,” Callum replied.

“Oh em gee, are you British? I love your accent.”

“Yep. My friend Neil and I are both from London,” Callum said.

I turned slightly and gave her a small nod. Her attention momentarily flicked to me before returning to him. I didn’t think I’d ever been so instantly dismissed before. It was almost comical.

“That’s so cool. How long are you here for?” she asked Callum.

“Just a few more weeks. Neil is actually—”

“Do you know what,” she cut in before he could finish, “I should give you my number. If you’re going to be here for a few weeks, then maybe we could meet up, grab dinner together or something.”

My mouth settled into a grimace because this was going exactly as I’d predicted. If Callum and I were on a buffet table, he’d be the succulent chicken everybody wanted and I’d be the day-old dry bread roll in the corner.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not actually single,” Cal replied firmly.

“Oh,” the blonde breathed before a seductive grin shaped her lips. “Well, your girlfriend back home doesn’t ever have to find out.”