Page 85 of Sidequest for Love

Now, we were having drinks and discussing our favourite countries to visit. A typically benign topic of conversation, but not so when Afric, who had no qualms pointing out people’s mistakes, was present.

“I just adore Spain,” Annabelle said. “I have such fond memories of Corfu. I’ve been there a couple of times now.”

“Isn’t Corfu in Greece?” Afric questioned as she leaned forward, resting her elbow on the table.

Annabelle blinked, then waved a hand through the air as she sipped her cocktail before primly placing it back down. “Spain, Greece, it’s all sunny skies and sandy beaches, right?”

“Um, no,” Afric shot back. “They’re not even beside each other. There are, like, a bunch of other countries in between.”

“Well, geography isn’t my strong suit,” Annabelle chuckled, shooting a smile across the table at Callum. “So, sue me.”

“Human decency isn’t your strong suit either,” Afric muttered under her breath, and I knew she’d had one too many drinks. When I looked at Annabelle, it was clear she’d heard. Her eyes darted to mine in accusation. Great, now she knew I’d told Afric all about her and the real reason we were here tonight.

“Pardon me?” Annabelle said, her gaze narrowed on Afric.

“I was just saying that for someone who claims to have been there a bunch of times, didn’t you notice the people weren’t speaking Spanish?”

“I was there with friends. I didn’t spend much time with the locals,” Annabelle replied cuttingly.

“Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who go abroad and immediately look for the British pubs?” Afric shot back.

Okay, this was in danger of turning into a full-blown argument.

“I really enjoyed South Africa,” I cut in. “It’s not somewhere I ever would’ve have gotten the chance to visit if it weren’t for my job.”

“I loved South Africa, too. Remember that wildlife reserve we visited?” Leanne said. “It’s still one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.”

“You guys are so lucky. You get to travel all the time,” Annabelle pouted.

“It’s definitely one of the perks of the job,” Callum said. “Though flying isn’t my favourite.”

“Oh, you poor thing. Do you have a fear of flying?” Annabelle asked sweetly.

Callum chuckled. “No, nothing like that. It’s just boring trying to fill all those hours stuck on a plane.”

“Neil,” Leanne said, sending me a pointed look across the table. “Come help me get another round of drinks in.”

Great. She obviously sensed something was up. Leanne was far too shrewd not to pick up on the weird vibes between me, Annabelle, and Afric. Not to mention Annabelle was making bedroom eyes across the table at Callum every chance she got. I cast Afric a look that said how much I adored her and how much I hated putting her through this as I followed Leanne from the booth. When we reached the bar, Leanne turned and pointed her finger right into my chest.

“Ow! That hurt,” I complained.

“What is going on with you, Neil? Are you enjoying having two women compete for you or something?”

“No, of course not.”

“Don’t give me that. The last time I saw you with Afric, you two were so cute together, and now you’ve brought this Annabelle person along as your date when you clearly have nothing in common with her and zero chemistry. It doesn’t compute. This isn’t like you.”

I rubbed the back of my head. “I know it’s not like me, but it’s complicated.”

“How complicated can it be? A blind person would be able to tell you’re besotted with Afric. You’ve barely been able to take your eyes off her all night, and the poor girl’s been knocking back drinks like it’s going out of fashion. It clearly pains her to see you with Annabelle. Also, Annabelle keeps flirting with Callum, and it’s beginning to piss me right off. If she shoots him one more secretive little smile, I swear to God—"

“Leanne, I’m so sorry,” I said just as a snappish voice interrupted.

“Neil, can I have a word?”

I turned and found Annabelle behind me, a murderous expression on her face. I stepped away from Leanne as she pulled me to the other end of the bar.

“That girl back at the table, Astrid—”

“Afric,” I corrected.

“Afric, whatever. She clearly knows about our …” she paused, glancing about to make sure no one was listening before she finished, “arrangement. How dare you tell her!”

“She’s my best friend. Of course, I told her. I needed advice.”

“You needed advice? Shall I remind you that I’m the one who’s been wronged here?”

“Maybe at first, but not anymore. Now you’re insisting on deluding yourself,” I replied, speaking my mind for a change.

“I am not deluded,” she said, reaching inside her handbag and withdrawing a small object. A second later, she was wielding it in my face. It was a USB drive. “If you don’t start playing along better, I’ll hand this over to Leanne. Every last one of our conversations is on there. I’ll tell her the messages were from Callum and that you’ve been arranging things for us, helping Callum keep our affair a secret.”