Page 69 of Sidequest for Love

The suggestion of donating sperm placed several lewd images in my head, and none of them involved medical procedures. I was quick to push them away since I didn’t need to be getting an erection while driving. “I don’t think so.”

“Not even if I let you impregnate me the old-fashioned way?” she teased, and I was certain I’d gone bright red again.

“Are you trying to make me crash this car?”

“I don’t know. Does the idea of old-fashioned impregnation make you lose your concentration?” she purred.

“No,” I lied. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

She gave an amused cackle. “Sorry, I’m being mean, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you are.”

I felt her studying me now. “So, were there any others after Kirsty?”

I shook my head. “It was soon after we broke up that I got the job with Running on Air and immediately fell head over heels for Leanne. She had no idea, of course, not until years later when I finally drummed up the courage to confess my feelings and she turned me down in favour of Callum.”

“That has to have been rough,” Afric said. “Do you still have any feelings for her?”

“No, not at all. Don’t get me wrong, I was heartbroken for a while, but I eventually pulled myself together and got over it. That’s when Annabelle came on the scene. And now you’re up-to-date with the history of my unsuccessful little love life.”

“Aren’t all love lives unsuccessful until people eventually find the right partner?”

“I guess so. And maybe all the failures are necessary to learn.”

An impish grin graced her lips. “Kind of like how your several one-night stands taught you how to pleasure women in the bedroom?” she teased.

I suppressed a smile. “I should’ve known you’d want to bring that back up.”

“I’m quite shocked, to be honest. You didn’t strike me as a one-night stand type.”

“I’m not. That period also taught me that I don’t enjoy meaningless sex.”

“You’re my opposite then. Nowadays, the only sex I have is meaningless,” she said, and something twisted in my gut.

“Right. I’d almost forgotten that you don’t do relationships.”

“Not anymore,” Afric sighed.

I swallowed tightly. “Hypothetically, though, if someone came along who didn’t care that your job was unusual and was prepared to stick around, would you enter into a relationship then?”

Something flickered in her expression. Something that looked a lot like self-consciousness. “Hypothetically, yes,” she replied quietly, not meeting my gaze. Her answer caused me a ridiculous amount of elation, but I kept my expression neutral.

“Well, you never know. Perhaps one day this hypothetical man will appear.”

“Perhaps he will,” Afric agreed, her gaze fixed out the window.



It was late evening when we arrived in Cornwall, and I had to take my phone out to get directions to our camping location. The rural village landscape wasn’t so well sign-posted, but Google eventually brought us to where we needed to be.

I spotted the farmhouse first, a white, two-storey structure with old-fashioned paned windows fronted by an ancient-looking oak tree. It belonged to the uncle of TheBigSix’s friend, Milly. I should probably start using his real name, which was Adam, because it’d be a little weird to call him TheBigSix in regular conversation. We’d never met in person before, and I was excited to see him, especially since he’d come all the way down from Scotland.

Neil and I had shared, shall we say, an interesting drive. For a start, he’d clearly noticed my odd behaviour when he’d taken my bag. His knuckles had inadvertently grazed over my bare shoulder and collarbone, and I’d had the most disturbingly intense reaction to his touch. It sent a charged, deeply erotic stirring right through my stomach, and I’d needed a moment to gather myself.

I’d never had such a strong reaction to anyone before. This attraction to Neil hadn’t appeared right away. Instead, it had grown and expanded slowly over time into this uncontrollable organism that now lived and breathed inside of me.

Its only sustenance was Neil. Yep, kind of awkward.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to feed said orgasm—I mean organism!—without tipping Neil off that I was lusting after him.

The conversation about our past relationships had certainly been eye-opening. And when I’d asked if he’d consider being my future sperm donor, the blood vessel in his forehead had started to pump. I had no clue whether it meant he hated the idea so much it stressed him out, or if it meant he liked the idea so much it equally stressed him out.

Either way, sharing a tent with him tonight was going to be an experience.

Neil turned his car down the narrow dirt road that led to the farmhouse. All around us was farmland. In the distance, there was a view of the sea alongside a lighthouse, its stark white colour in contrast with the vibrant green of the grassy cliffs and the deep blue of the sea beyond them. It was an amazing spot. A place I never would’ve discovered without the friendships I made online.