Page 46 of Sidequest for Love

I cleared my throat. “Yes, I’m fine … Just, what are you wearing?”

She glanced down at the tight, pale vest top she wore, a bright purple bra evident underneath. I’d never seen her wear anything like that. She always had on baggy pyjamas or oversized jumpers. I’d even wondered if she was self-conscious about her weight. She certainly didn’t need to be. Afric was curvaceous in a way that would make most men’s jaws drop, and her breasts were … God, I felt like a pervert even looking at them, but they were perfect. Definitely more than a handful. And that was something I wished I didn’t know. There was a certain bliss to ignorance because the feelings I’d been having and the closeness we’d developed now had the added bonus of me being undeniably sexually attracted to her. Maybe I always had been and had just been lying to myself all this time. She had a pretty face, well, a beautiful face, actually, and now I knew her body was just as beautiful.

I was in so much trouble.

“Oh!” she exclaimed with a laugh. “Sorry. I’ve probably scarred you for life by wielding my road frontage in your face. Sarita left the heating on for too long, and the flat is absolutely boiling. You’re lucky I’m not in the nip, to be perfectly honest.”

Thank heavens for small mercies.

Still, I really didn’t need that imagery in my head. Also, did she just use the term “road frontage” to refer to her ample bosom? I stifled a laugh, grateful that she could only see above my waist because my pants had grown distinctly tighter.

“Neil, you’ve gone bright red,” she went on. “Do you want me to put something on? I think I have a pashmina lying around here somewhere.”

“Yes, put on the pashmina,” I said stiffly. “I feel like I’ve just logged onto your OnlyFans.”

I immediately regretted saying that when she grinned into the camera, placing a hand on her hip.

“Oh, come on. This top isn’t that revealing. It’s a simple vest. It’s hardly a see-through bra with nipple peekaboos.”

“What on earth are nipple peeka—No, never mind, I don’t want to know.”

Her wonderfully cheeky laughter filtered through the speaker. “You are such a prude, and I love it! Hold on. I’m getting the pashmina.”

“Thank Christ.”

When she reappeared, she was thankfully covered, though the item of clothing she now wore was made of black silk dotted with pale pink cherry blossoms. It was arguably sexier than the low-cut vest, but at least now I didn’t have to avoid looking at the most glorious cleavage I’d ever seen.

“This better?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Well, I’m blaming you if I die of heatstroke. Also, can we discuss the fact that your cheeks are still flaming? What on earth, Neil? It’s just me. You don’t need to be embarrassed by a pair of boobs. Actually, you should be flattered. I only let people I trust see my body.”

Now, I frowned. “Why is that?”

She shrugged. “When I first started streaming, I was a little naïve and used to wear normal clothes. Nothing even remotely risqué, mind. Just normal-sized T-shirts and tops. Well, unfortunately, I was blessed with my mother’s giant knockers, and the comments were almost ninety percent boob-related. That’s why I now wear tops that cover them up. Not because I’m ashamed of them. They give me back pain from time to time, but other than that, I think they’re fantastic.” I knew of a few other choice words to describe them. “I just don’t want to attract viewers who are only interested in sexualising me. Sure, I might have a bigger audience if I did, but mentally, that kind of commentary starts to weigh on you. It makes you overly critical about your appearance, and I don’t want to spend my time obsessing over what I look like.”

It was enraging that she had to go to such lengths to cover herself, but I understood the nature of the internet. Being the only female cast member of Running on Air, Leanne had to deal with some horrifically demeaning comments from time to time. Luckily, she had a great support network to help her deal with things like that when they happened. Afric had been all on her own, and the thought of her being emotionally mature enough to go through that and come out the other side intact was impressive. It was times like these I was glad that my sister shied away from dating apps.

“I fucking hate that you had to go through that,” I said, my jaw tense.

Her eyebrows shot up. “Did you just swear?”

“Yes, because what you just told me makes me angry. You were what, a teenager when all this happened?” Michaela had mentioned Afric was pretty young when she started online.

“I was eighteen.”

“See? That pisses me off.”