Page 103 of Sidequest for Love

“Oh, man. You’ve gone all romantic. Is this why you’re dressing like a proper lady for once?”

“Partly,” I replied, waggling my eyebrows secretively.

I’d been thinking a lot about what Neil said to me after I told him that I dressed in oversized clothes to avoid unwanted sexual attention on the internet. He’d then pointed out that I dressed in oversized clothing all the time, not just while live streaming. It had happened so gradually that I didn’t even realise the clothes thing had leaked into my everyday life. Now, I was making a conscious effort not to hide myself under layers of fabric and instead celebrate the shit hot body I’d been blessed with.

“Right, well, we’d better get a move on. The party starts soon, and traffic might be heavy.”

I nodded and grabbed my handbag. The gods had been benevolent and decided to bless Michaela with sunshine for her outdoor engagement party. In London, there was always a chance of rain.

Sarita and I headed downstairs, and Neil was standing outside his car, looking shiftily from side to side to make sure there were no clampers lurking in the shadows. He was wearing a suit, and I just about fell over, swooning so hard.

“Pardon me, Mr Bond, but you don’t happen to have seen a man hanging around? Brown hair, glasses, about this tall?” I asked teasingly as I approached.

Neil rolled his eyes and grinned as his attention fell appreciatively over my dress. “You look …”

“Like a stalk of broccoli. I know,” I finished for him, sticking out my tongue. He reached forward and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to him.

“That’s not what I was going to say, and you know it,” he murmured, whispering his lips across mine and sending a flurry of dirty thoughts through my head. “You look beautiful.”

“Let’s go,” Sarita said, hopping into the back seat. “We still have to pick up Mabel, and I hate being late.”

Neil cast me a searing smile before walking around the car and opening the passenger side door for me. I could certainly get used to this gentlemanly behaviour, I thought as I climbed in and strapped on my seatbelt.

On the drive, my phone buzzed. I sifted through my bag and pulled it out.

Adam: Okay, I did it. I just told Winona that I like her.

My pulse pounded as I read the message. This was so exciting.

Afric: Oh, my God! What did she say?

Adam: She said … the feeling is mutual.

Afric: Gah! I’m so happy right now!

Adam: And I just booked a flight to Miami to see her. This could end disastrously. I burn like bacon in the sun.

Afric: Pack lots of sunscreen, then. I want all the details. You have to promise to update me in real time.

Adam: Lol. I’ll try my best.

I put away my phone, still grinning as Neil pulled up to the hotel. A young guy in a waistcoat took his keys to park the car for him. I slid my arm through his as we took the elevator up to the rooftop garden where the party was being held. The doors opened into a gloriously sunny scene. There were tables topped with pretty flower arrangements while hotel staff handed out glasses of champagne to guests.

Michaela and James appeared, James in a suit and Michaela wearing a pretty red sundress.

“You two managed to work things out then?” she whispered in my ear as we hugged and I handed her the gift I brought.

“Yes, we did,” I replied.

Her smile was pleased. “I’m glad.”

“Me, too.”

Michaela turned her attention to Neil. “James tells me you’re starting an event planning business.”

Neil dipped his head. “It’s still early days, but yes.”

“Great,” she said, casting her fiancé a little glance. “Because James and I wanted to be your very first clients.”

Neil blinked. “Pardon?”

“We want you to plan our wedding,” James said, and my chest filled with happiness for Neil. I knew he was nervous about this career change, and getting the chance not just to plan an ordinary wedding, but a wedding where the groom was a celebrity, was a big deal. He could really make a name for himself with this.

“Wow, um, I don’t know what to say,” he replied, taken aback.

“Say you’ll do it,” Michaela urged.

“Okay,” Neil bobbed his head. “I’ll do it.”

“Fantastic. I promise not to turn into a Bridezilla,” Michaela joked, and we all laughed.

Two hours later, I was veritably stuffed on scones and cakes and tiny, tasty sandwiches, not to mention copious amounts of champagne and tea. Neil warned me the mixture would give me a stomach ache later, but I assured him I was made of stronger stuff.

Neil and I stood by the edge of the roof garden, staring out at the city skyline beyond. His hand came to rest on my lower back, and I felt the heat of him sear into me like a brand. I’d never tire of his touch, of the way he looked at me with such love and affection in his eyes.