“He’s right, Trent,” Nick echoes. “The accounts and cards, no sweat. We can have that this afternoon. But everything else? Just think about it for a while is all I’m saying,” he adds.

I take what they say on board, but it won’t change my mind.

Something happened that first time with Brooke. Something I just know and feel in my soul. Something that means I need to plan ahead for the future, whatever it holds.

“Look fellas,” I say calmly after a while, leaning back and watching them relax some too. “I’ve never had a family, you both know that. And all I’m saying is, I think… I know that Brooke is the one for me. I want her to be the mother of my kids.”

They both shift in their seats again, not uneasy anymore, almost looking understanding. I know both men have kids of their own, even though their marriages may not have worked, they have and love their kids.

“Now, I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon, but if I fall off the perch tomorrow, or next week or in a year… twenty years? I want Brooke and our kids to be well cared for,” I explain, none of them even blinking when my voice breaks with some emotion.

Both men reflecting on their own situations too, I can tell as they slowly nod.

“Well, when you put it that way,” Parker reflects. Nick nods in agreement again when he tells himself out loud he needs to get his own affairs in order.

“Might need to set up a meeting with you, Parker,” he jokes but we all know he’s serious.

“I’m glad you see it my way, fellas. I’d hate to fire you and start over with new faces, and that would take weeks,” I admit.

“It’ll still take some time, Trent,” Parker says deeply, sounding grave again but it’s his favorite tone when he’s all business.

“But I think I speak for us both when I say we’d be honored as well as privileged to take care of things for you, and I’m sure Nick here can organize something more fluid in the cash stakes by this afternoon,” he says, half-smiling, as he stands, signaling his part in this meeting, is over.

He knows what he has to do so he wants to get to work.

That’s what I like about Parker, he doesn’t mess around with unnecessary talk.

“I’m on it, Trent,” Jack confirms, standing as well. And I guess that’s it.

Not as quick as I’d like, but nothing with law or accounts ever is.

As long as Brooke can have her own money and security, I can rest easy.

Not that I plan on going anywhere anytime soon. But just knowing she’ll be looked after. That our family will be looked after. It’s a huge relief for me.

I walk Nick and Parker out of the building, checking the time and figuring Brook should be getting up soon. If not, I can surprise her with breakfast in bed, again.

Seeing the two men off with instructions to secure her future as well as mine, I jog to the corner restaurant for our breakfast order.

“I’ll email that paperwork to you,” Nick calls out to me. He’s convinced me Brooke can be an employee starting today. That makes it easier all around until he finalizes everything else, which he and Parker say should realistically take until the end of the month.

I can live with that. I reason with myself, sprinting the last few hundred yards to the restaurant.

I’ve skipped my push-ups the past few days, something I’ve hardly ever missed.

Ironically, sweat pants and a hoodie are my new around the house attire, it was Brooke’s idea.

All she had to do is tell me I looked hot in them and it was my new dress code for home.

And it’s also way easier getting in and out of clothes when we both need to.

Walking back I can see our building from the street, and noticing the empty space around it, I wonder if it isn’t time to branch out a little more. Keep the views we have, but expand the property portfolio just a bit?

I’ve got all the reasons in the world now.

Brooke, and our family. The very idea of it makes me shiver with excitement. I pick up my pace, eager to get home. Eager to get back to her and to our day together.

Brooke’s just coming out of the bathroom when I get back, and I offer her food and coffee in bed, the kitchen still holding some bad memories for her so she agrees.

“You want to keep me in my pajamas, in bed every day so you can fatten me up, don’t you?” she teases me, and I make a face.

I don’t like it when she uses the ‘F’ word. It’s not how I see Brooke and I still can’t figure out how she can think of herself that way.