Page 54 of The Fox

Security Service, or MI5

Special Air Service (SAS)

Special Boat Service (SBS)

Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR)


Herr Ludwig Fritsch, banker at Vaduz Bank, Liechtenstein


Graydon Bennett, State Department

Wesley Carter III, US Ambassador in London

Detective Sean Devlin of the NYPD

John Owen, Legal Attaché (FBI representative)

President of the United States of America (the POTUS)

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Department of Homeland Security

Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau (FBI)

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

National Security Agency (NSA), based at Fort Meade

Special Activities Division (SAD)


Captain Pyotr Denisovich, captain of the Admiral Nakhimov

Yevgeni Krilov, head of the SVR at Yasenevo

Stepan Kukushkin, head of station of Krilov’s SVR unit in the Russian embassy in London

Oleg Politovski, deputy to Kukushkin

Ilya Stepanovich, former high-ranker in the Russian underworld, now billionaire

Viktor Ulyanov, Russian criminal in New York

Vladimir Vinogradov, former gang boss and professional criminal, now oligarch and billionaire living in London

Dmitri Volkov (Mr Burke), leader of Russian sleeper network in the UK

President of Russia (the Vozhd)

Yakovenko, Russian ambassador to UK

Bujar Zogu, Albanian killer contacted by Vinogradov