Jennifer: Marty...don't!

Marty pulls a lever.

Marty: Grab a hold of something.

Needles and his gang cheer - they're going to race Marty!

Needles' Gang Member: Come on!

Needles: Get on! Yeah, go!

They get more excited as time passes. They keep revving up the engine, as does Marty. The light turns green, and the trucks speed off - but only Needles goes forwards. For Marty goes backwards and spins around.

Jennifer: Argh! (pause) Did you do that on purpose?

Marty: Yeah. You think I was stupid enough to race that asshole?

Marty and Jennifer watch Needles speed ahead. A Rolls Royce pulls out of the next junction, and Needles only just avoids crashing into it. Cut back to Marty.

Marty: Jeez...I would've hit that Rolls Royce.

The words "Rolls Royce" remind Jennifer of what she heard in the future. She gets the fax she bought home from 2015 and she and Marty watch the words "You're Fired" disappear. The future has been changed!

Jennifer: (amazed) It erased!

Cut to the wreckage of the DeLorean. Marty and Jennifer walk towards it. No-one else is around.

Jennifer: You're right. There's not much left.

Marty: Doc's never coming back. I'm sure gonna miss him, Jen.

Marty sees half of a photograph. It's Doc standing by the clock in 1885. The level crossing bells start ringing and Marty and Jennifer look in both directions. There's no trains coming!

Marty: What the hell?

The three sonic booms are heard and a big train, similar to the one destroyed in 1885, appears. Marty and Jennifer are thrown backwards and land in some grass. The train has ELB written on the side and a familiar figure pokes his head out of the cab.....

Marty: Doc!

Doc: Marty!

Yes, it's Doc. He's wearing smart clothes from the 1890s, including a top hat, and has combed his hair.

Marty: (excitedly) Doc! Doc!

Doc: Marty! It runs on steam!

Doc opens the cab to reveal Clara standing next to him.

Doc: Meet the family. Clara, you know.

Clara: Hi, Marty!

Marty: Ma'am!

Doc: These are our boys!

Doc and Clara smile proudly. A young boy of about 10 appears at the doorway.