Old Timer 1: If everybody's got one of these automo-whatsits, does anybody walk or run anymore?

Doc: Of course they run. But for recreation, for fun.

Old Timer 1: Run for fun? Ha! Ha! What the hell kind of fun is that?

The other two old timers laugh hysterically. Meanwhile in town Marty gets off his horse and runs into the blacksmith shop.

Marty: Doc! Doc!

Marty sees Doc isn't there and leaves, spotting the saloon. We cut back to the saloon.

Old Timer 1: How much has he had?

Chester: None. That's his first one and he hasn't touched it, yet. He just likes to hold it.

The Old Timers laugh as Marty runs in and spots Doc.

Marty: Doc! Doc! What're you doing'?

Doc: I lost her, Marty. There's nothing left for me here.

Marty: All right, so that's why you've gotta come back with me.

Doc: Where?

Marty: Back to the future!

Doc springs to life. He realises what he has to do. He puts his glass down.

Doc: Right. Let's get going!

Marty: Great!

Doc: Gentlemen, excuse me, but my friend and I have to catch a train.

Old Timer 1: Here's to ya, blacksmith.

Old Timer 2: And to the future!

Old Timer 3: Amen.

The Old Timers raise their glasses to Doc.

Doc: Amen.

Doc raises his glass to them. Chester realises what is about to happen.

Chester: Emmett, no!!

Too late. Doc swallows the whiskey. Marty and Chester watch in horror as Doc steps forward, and faints onto the Old Timer's table.

Marty: Doc! Doc! Doc! C'mon, Doc, wake up, wake up, Doc. (to Chester) How many did he have?

Chester: Just one.

Marty can't believe it!

Marty: Just one?! (to Doc) C'mon, Doc.