Marty: No, no, it's... fine.

MAN 5 rides past in a carriage.

Man 5: Good luck tomorrow, Mr Eastwood! We'll be praying for ya!

Marty: Thanks.

Marty walks past the undertaker's. The UNDERTAKER stops him.

Undertaker: Good morning, Mr Eastwood. Interest you in a new suit for tomorrow?

Marty: Ah, I'm...I'm fine. Thanks.

Marty sees Doc a small distance away. Doc is sniffing a flower in his jacket. Marty goes to Doc.

Marty: Doc, what are you doing?

Doc: Oh, nothing. Just out enjoying the morning air. It's really lovely here in the morning, don't you think?

Marty: Yeah, it's lovely Doc. Listen, we gotta load the DeLorean, we gotta get ready to roll, all right? - hey, look at that, the tombstone.

Marty has spotted new craved tombstones outside a shop. One of them looks very familiar.

Doc: Marty, let me see that photograph again.

Marty gives it to him and Doc walks to the tombstones.

Doc: My's vanished.

Marty: Hey, that's great Doc! Don't you get it - we're going back to the future tomorrow, so everything's being erased!

Doc: But only my name is erased! The tombstone itself and the date still remain. That doesn't make sense. We know that this photograph represents what will happen if the events of today continue to run their course into tomorrow.

Marty: Right and so?

The undertaker reappears suddenly and measures the distance from Marty's shoulder to his feet.

Undertaker: Excuse me, Mr Eastwood, I just need to take your measurement.

Marty: Hey, look, pal, I don't want to buy a suit!

Undertaker: (laughs) No, this is for your coffin.

Marty: My coffin?

Undertaker: Well, the odds are running two to one against you.

He puts his measuring tape in its original position and pretends to choke himself with his hand.

Undertaker: Might as well be prepared.

He walks off.

Doc: may not be my name that's supposed to end up on that tombstone. It may be yours.

Marty puts his hand to his forehead.

Marty: Great Scott!