Marty: Damn, I ripped the fuel line.

Marty pulls the arrow out and some of the gas starts dripping out. Marty's reckless driving over rocks has damaged the fuel line. He goes back into the car and pulls out the photo of the tombstone, the boots Doc gave him and the letter. We cut to behind Marty, as we hear a growl. Marty turns around to see a big bear heading for him.

Marty: Argh! Argh!

The bear roars again and stands up on its hind legs.

Marty: Argh! Argh! Argh! Whoo! Whoo!

Marty runs out of the cave away from the bear. It's following him - obviously he wants a McFly in his soup! LOL. Marty throws his boots to the bear. It stops and sniffs them, allowing Marty to run away. Marty isn't looking where he is going as he runs - he is still looking at the bear - and trips, sliding down a hill.

Marty: Uh!

Marty crashes into a fence at the bottom of the hill and is knocked out. A man, SEAMUS, comes running towards Marty. He looks a bit like Marty (Seamus and Marty are both played by Michael J Fox). Seamus slaps Marty's face to see if he is awake, and then calls to his wife. He speaks with an Irish accent.

Seamus: Maggie! Fetch some water, we got a hurt man here!

Cut to a darkened room. Marty is in a bed, and slowly wakes up. A woman, MAGGIE (Seamus' wife) is next to him. She looks a bit like Lorraine (both Lorraine and Maggie are played by Lea Thompson).

Marty: Mom...Mom, is that you?

Maggie: There, there now, you've been asleep for nearly 6 hours now.

Marty: I had this horrible nightmare. It was terrible. I dreamed I was in a western...I was being chased by Indians. And a bear.

Maggie: Well, you're safe and sound, here now at the McFly farm.

Marty: McFly farm! Argh!

Marty sits up suddenly to find he is in a log cabin. Maggie is sitting on a chair near the bed.

Marty: Well you're my-my - my... Who are you?

Maggie: Name's McFly. Maggie McFly.

Marty: McFly. Maggie.

Maggie: That's Mrs McFly, and don't you be forgetting the Mrs! And what might your name be sir?

Marty: Well, it's Mc...(covering) Eastwood...uh...Clint...Clint Eastwood?

Marty grins sheepishly. Maggie speaks to him in a no-nonsense tone.

Maggie: You hit your head, Mr Eastwood. Not too serious, but lucky for you Seamus found you when he did.

Marty: (half to himself) Seamus.

Maggie: Me husband.

Maggie gets up to leave.

Maggie: You'll be excuse me Mr Eastwood, while I tend to William.

Marty realises who William is - his great grandfather!

Marty: William.

Marty gets out of bed, and after checking that he still has his pants on, he follows Maggie into the main room to see her holding a crying baby.