We? Marty thought. Did that mean his whole family lived here? But what was his family doing, living in the penthouse of the Paradise?

‘Lorraine?’ a gruff voice called from the other side of the closed bedroom door. 'Where are you?'

Marty's mother frowned.

‘It’s your father.’

She took another quick drag on her cigarette.

‘My father?’ Marty asked. That gruff voice didn’t sound anything like George McFly.

Somebody kicked open the bedroom door.

Biff Tannen walked in. He had changed, too. He was in better shape than the last time Marty had seen him-in 1985, that is. His clothes were fancier, too - a silk suit of pastel green, and a shirt open half way down his chest to show off a dozen gold chains.

His three old gang buddies followed him into the room. All three of them smirked at Marty like they had been taking lessons from their boss.

Marty stared. His father? This was what his mother meant? Biff Tannen?

‘My father?’ Marty yelled.

Biff glared at Marty as if the teenager had just crawled out from under a rock.

‘You’re supposed to be in Switzerland,’ he snapped, ‘you little son of a bitch!! Did you get kicked out of another boarding school?- He waggled a pudgy index finger at Marty’s mother. 'Damn Lorraine! Do you know how much perfectly good dough I've blown on this no-good kid of yours? On all three of them?’

Mom took a couple of quick, nervous puffs from her cigarette before she replied.

‘What the hell do you care?’ she retorted. ‘We can afford it! The least we can do is make a better life for our children!’

She walked over to a portable bar next to the picture window, and poured herself three fingers of scotch.

‘Marty’syour kid, not mine, and all the money in the world wouldn’t do jack shit for that lazy bum! He’s a butthead, just like his old man was!’

Marty’s mother slammed her glass down. ‘Don’t you dare speak that way about George! You’re not even half the man he was!’

Biff took two quick steps across the room and slapped her full across the face.

‘Never talk to me like that, you hear me?’ Biff growled, his hand lifted to hit her again. ‘Ever!’

Marty's mother cringed.

This was too much! Marty couldn’t stand here and watch this happen. He ran for Biff.

3-D and Skinhead grabbed him and pulled him away.

Marty’s mother rubbed her cheek and jaw. Even with the heavy make-up, Marty could see an angry red welt forming there.

Biff smirked at the captive Marty.

‘Always the little hothead, huh?’ He walked up to Marty. ‘Come on, want to take a poke at me?’ -

It would be a little tough, Marty thought, to take a poke at Biff while his goons were still holding onto him.

Biff sucker-punched Marty in the stomach.

‘Damn it, Biff!’ she hollered. ‘That’s it. I’m leaving!’ She turned and walked purposefully towards the door.

‘Sure, walk out!’ Biff called after her. ‘And I’ll cut you off - you and your kids!’