‘If my calculations are correct, you will receive this letter immediately after you saw the DeLorean struck by lightning.'

‘First, let me assure you that I am alive and well. I have been living happily in the year 1885 for these past few months-’

Marty stopped reading.

‘1885?’ he said aloud.

The Western Union guy tried to lean over Marty’s shoulder to get a look at the letter. Marty turned around so the guy in the trenchcoat couldn’t see. After all, he remembered Doc’s rules about time travel. And rule one seemed to be: The fewer people who knew about it, the better!

Marty skimmed the rest of the letter quickly, mutteri

ng to himself over the good parts: ‘Too many jigowatts..

He turned the page.

Time circuits shorted...’

He reached the end of the letter again.

‘1885!’ he repeated to himself. Doc was stranded back in the Wild West. There had to be something Marty could do - and Marty realised just what it was!

He stuffed Doc’s letter in his pocket and headed back for town.

‘Hey!’ the Western Union guy yelled behind him.

‘Can’t you even tell me what this is all about?’

Marty kept on running.

‘No?’ The Western Union guy called in the most disappointed voice Marty had ever heard.

Marty didn’t even look back.

There was no time to lose!

Marty could see it all before him.

The clock tower read 10:04.

The DeLorean, with its special super-conducting electrical pole added for the occasion, raced toward the electrical line.

And lightning struck the clock tower!

At the last possible second, after almost falling from a considerable height. Doc Brown connected the cables.

The hook on the pole above the DeLorean hit the electrical line - and 1.21 jigowatts of electricity flooded into the flux capacitor -

And the DeLorean vanished into the future, leaving only twin trails of fire where its wheels had been!

Doc Brown - the 1955 version - went running down the street between the twin trails of fire, yelling at the top of his lungs.


Marty guessed this was as good a time as any.

He stepped out of the shadow of the courthouse. He tapped Doc on the shoulder.

Doc turned around, the smile on his face changing to a look of abject horror.