He saw a single car, really tearing down the high, way. He looked through the binoculars. Yeah! It was Biff, all right! Marty could even see the Sports Alma-nac on the back seat!

He pointed down at the car beneath the flying DeLorean.

‘That’s him. Doc! We can just land right on top of him and cripple his car!’

But Doc frowned and shook his head.

‘No, Marty, we can’t risk damaging the DeLorean. We don’t want to be stuck here in 1955.’

Marty looked down at Biff’s car, then back at Doc.

‘Then what do we do?’ he asked.

Doc grinned at Marty. Marty knew that smile.

Doc had a plan.

Boy, Marty had to admit it, when Doc came up with a plan, it was a plan.

It also helped that Doc never cleaned out the rear section of the DeLorean. It seemed there was still a certain pink hoverboard back there - the one a little girl had given to Marty in the future!

Doc turned off his headlights and brought the DeLorean down so that it almost brushed the ground, then eased it forward so that it was almost touching the Ford’s rear bumper.

The rest was up to Marty.

He opened the gull-wing door, and tucked his left foot snugly into the strap at the rear of the hoverboard. Then he pushed the hoverboard out of the car, and, while still keeping one hand on the DeLorean, was soon hoverboarding over nothing but air!

Now, all Marty had to do was move forward along the DeLorean, and grab some part of Biffs car. He pushed the hoverboard forward, skating across the space between the cars.

There! Marty grinned as he grabbed hold of Biff’s rear bumper. He waved at Doc with his free hand. Doc waved in return, then lifted the DeLorean back up into the sky.

Biff was blasting tho radio, and had his foot down on the gas. But he wasn’t even glancing in his rear view mirror. And the book was in the back seat, only a few feat away.

Marty moved into position. But just as he prepared to grab the Almanac the sports news had come on the radio - and Biff reached around to grab the book. Marty ducked as Biff turned, squatting on the hover-board to hide himself outside the car.

‘In collego football today,' the sports announcer droned. ‘UCLA defeated Washington, 19-17; Stanford over Oregon, 24-10...’

‘Son of a bitch!’ Biff muttered. Marty’s heart sank. Biff had found that the scores were really in there. It would be twice as hard to get the book now.

But he still had to try. Marty waited a minute, then rataed himself slowly, only to see Biff drop the book on the front passenger seat.

Double damn! Marty thought. The book had been so close! But he told himself to calm down. Biff was just making this a little more challenging.

Marty ducked down low again so his head was below window level, and pulled himself forward using the door handles. If Biff was going to leave the book in the front seat, Marty would simply have to go up to the front seat.

Marty reached the front door. He grabbed the handle, and pushed the button. The door swung open.

Marty reached his arm inside the car, just above seat level. His fingers closed around the Almanac.

Then Biff looked over at the passenger seat.

‘Hey!’ Biff yelled.

He saw Marty’s hand on the sports book. Biff grabbed the book, too, and looked up at Marty, standing inside the open door.

‘You again!’ Biff screamed.

Marty tried to pull the book toward him, but Biff had too strong a grip. Maybe, Marty thought, he’d have to get all the way into the car.